By politicians’ agreement on education – the union leader’s emphasis: other measures are needed


Do you remember how many times there have been attempts to agree on Lithuanian education policy?

– A good question for which I have no answer. Before each election, all parties reiterate the need to sign the agreement. But only after the elections do you try to do something.

– This time the document is criticized for having been drawn up behind closed doors with the participation of only a few representatives of education. Mr. Milesin, why weren’t the representatives of the education unions present?

– In addition to politicians, the president of the Lithuanian Education Council participated in the working group that prepared this agreement. This institution was established by the Seimas and acts as its derivative.

Employ union and business representatives. As far as I know, what this council has proposed has not been taken into account and comments have not been responded to.

As a result, it is argued that this is not a National Agreement, but only the simplest political agreement between the parties.

What specifically did you propose to include in this document, what lack?

– We have questions about the content of the agreement. The document states that in 2024, the average salary for teachers will be 130 percent. the national average wage.

The question is, why is this article needed? We already agreed two years ago. In addition, it must be enforced. This is enshrined in the industry collective agreement.

There are also questions about the point that aims to give municipalities more autonomy and responsibility for the rational use of educational funds, network efficiency and educational results. In fact, it is difficult to understand what is meant.

VIDEO: 15/15: Another attempt to agree on education was unsuccessful. Why?

Twenty years ago, when municipalities had autonomy, everyone remembers that teachers’ salaries were three to four months behind.

Education unions are calling for education funding to be more centralized rather than decentralized. For several years, we have observed that the finances managed by the municipalities are not achieving their objectives.

– Yours assess whether politicians should intervene in the preparation of educational policy strategy? It should not be tothe work of the cadre community?

– I agree. What politicians can do is commit the necessary funds by passing next year’s budget.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Egidijus Milešinas

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Egidijus Milešinas

An excellent example of this is the agreement between political parties on the financing of national defense. There is a clearly projected GDP indicator.

The Seimas contributes the funds, but to distribute them it is really necessary to consult with the academic and educational communities. They know best what is needed.

It is not the first year that we repeat. The UNESCO organization says that six percent of GDP would be enough for education.

– From today’s perspective, what could be success rate What would show that the quality of the Lithuanian education system is improving?

– The most important thing that would really help education to advance is trust and respect for the teacher. These are the things that are missing. Whatever the power, we are constantly lacking.

You can find the full interview and most current recordings of the 15/15 show in the video gallery.
