Buy a home today or wait for another: 5 expert opinions Business


J.Rojaka: if you find the house of your dreams, buy it

Former Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation, economist Jekaterina Rojaka, head of business development and strategy at the credit bureau Creditinfo Lietuva, said that if a person has found what they like and fit, they would always offer to buy.

“It makes no sense to wait one, two, three years, maybe the market would react in some way to external shocks. Nobody can predict if that external crisis would come and the rise in prices in the real estate market would stabilize or even lower something so that it does not affect the same person economically.

If the current situation allows you to buy and you have found the house of your dreams, I always suggest looking for opportunities to buy it, ”said the former deputy minister.

Luke April / 15min photo / Jekaterina Rojaka

Luke April / 15min photo / Jekaterina Rojaka

However, if it is purchased for investment purposes, it is necessary to evaluate the return on investment of different projects. And then think if this is a smart solution and the only one possible.
