Businessmen in beach cafes: pity about foreigners, people laugh and bring their alcohol


People who come come angry

Arvydas, the owner of a cafe on the beach, ensures that people who come only see sandwiches and soft drinks for sale, so they do not stay long. According to the interlocutor, the cafe now looks like a kiosk and the shelves are almost empty.

“People don’t come to beach cafes to get drunk, they just have to drink a glass of wine or a cocktail. Those who bring their alcohol from the store now come to get drunk.” All the people have been angry with the government for this ban, and the government has dug a well so bad, “he says.

Businessmen in beach cafes: pity about foreigners, people laugh and bring their alcohol

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

Bring your own alcohol

According to Arvydas, there are now many empty bottles on the beaches, and the garbage bins next to the coffee overflow with them. According to the interlocutor, tourists even come to the seaside cafes with their alcohol and drink it until no one sees it.

“People who come generally buy water. They don’t even ask for food when they visit because they are outraged because we don’t have anything. A cafe 80 meters away sells all the alcohol, they can sell everything there. The people there take spirits to the seashore, nobody cares. In the past, we could only sell light drinks, but now we can’t do that anymore, “he says with disappointment.

The greatest shame against foreigners.

He assures that nobody could have had a greater stupidity. According to Arvydas, the foreigners who arrived do not understand how this can be and leave without buying anything. The businessman explains that in the vicinity of Latvia, all alcoholic beverages are sold on the beaches, making this ban the greatest shame against foreigners.

“This insurance has changed a lot in business, we work until 10 or 11 o’clock, people came to accompany the sun, and now only a few people come at 7 o’clock in the afternoon, so we don’t work anymore” . Now people come here just to sit, but we can’t keep the cafe open just to sit.

We sell champagne and non-alcoholic beer, but only 1 bottle has been purchased in the last 5 days. After this ban, trade fell by almost 80 percent and prices did not drop. If prices were to rise, no one would come at all, “says the interlocutor.

Businessmen in beach cafes: pity about foreigners, people laugh and bring their alcohol

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

He believes that trade is a total disadvantage

Arvydas says that a large portion of people have not even heard of this ban, so cafe employees are already tired of explaining to all tourists that they simply cannot exchange alcohol this year. According to the businessman, only 6 or 7 of the 14 places that were supposed to be on the seashore participated in the competition this year, and reveals that he returned to work here only because he had built a cafe. According to him, the work this season is a complete less.

“If the situation remains the same, it is not worth opening next year. Everyone says that it is necessary to improve the beach bar, invest, attract people, and now the opposite is being done, trying to repelling them and aiming for us not to win or invest. No one will install tents soon on the coast.
Now drunk people don’t come, but we don’t see what happens in the dunes. There is no way to attract more customers this season because he realizes that there is nothing in the bar. Everyone says that Lithuania has become a “regime” state, everything is prohibited, “he comments on the situation.

It has to be explained to everyone.

Valdas Bražinskas, owner of the nearby coastal cafe of the Havana beach bar, reveals that after the introduction of this ban, more than half of people go out without buying anything. According to him, people who have not heard of this law think that employees are joking.

“It just came to our attention then. We will make and hang patterns. Lithuanians abroad do not understand what is happening here and laugh at that decision. People who come buy soft drinks, but very few. We need to congratulate the companies that They decided to sell their products to us, because they require very large investments and the risk is also enormous, “he emphasizes.

Businessmen in beach cafes: pity about foreigners, people laugh and bring their alcohol

© DELFI / Kotryna Dagenytė

There is confusion at work

According to the interlocutor, prices remained the same as last year, but wine and non-alcoholic beer have always been a little more expensive. The employer explains that due to the current situation, there is confusion at work, it is difficult to assign the required number of employees, because it is almost impossible to calculate customer flows.

“We were late this year because of the virus, we didn’t know where we would work and how many places we would have, whether it was alcohol or not. And now there are conspiracy theories that alcohol will continue to be. To date, we only have 30 to 35 percent of the previous trade It is difficult to compare something because it was also affected by the virus We will comment more precisely on how well we have done after the whole season.

People are more careful, carry more food and drinks, are reluctant to go to cafes and avoid contact. We note that people bring their own alcohol and only buy soft drinks here. Hopefully the season is a good one. The mayor said that the season will accelerate in mid-July, so it remains to wait for that, “smiles the businessman.

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