Businessman Vaidotas Lašas, who bought a mansion in Kelm Kel district, looks for opportunities to adapt it to cultural or recreational events | Deal


The real estate bank announced the auction of the Pagryžuvis mansion for the first time in August last year. The object was sold from the first test, when the buyer offered the initial 173 thousand. price in euros. At that time, only one participant participated in the auction, 15 minutes said Tom Bagdon, a spokesman for Turto Bank.

The complex consists of 116 m2. m residential house, 1,5 thousand. square meters m sanatorium building and other auxiliary premises (garages, workshops, outbuildings, etc.). The winner of the auction acquired the right to lease the state land next to the mansion: 6.6 hectares.

Owner Photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

Owner photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

According to the Registry Center data, since the end of August last year, this object has belonged to Vaidotas Lašas, who is the director of the consignment of the Skubios parcel transport company in Lithuania.

When asked why he decided to buy the mansion, V. Las 15 minutes he remembered his story. It is an impressive architectural monument of Lithuanian romanticism, designed and built in 1859 by the famous architect Fulget Rimgaila. This mansion belonged to the Romeri family, and during the interwar period it was almost raised from the ruins by the Jesuits for cultural and intellectual life.

“After the Property Bank announced the sale of the stately buildings, there was no doubt that it was a truly valuable and exceptional object. We were surprised that we were the only participants in the public bidding and we managed to buy the mansion for the initial auction price, ”he said.

Owner photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

Owner Photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

Consider several options

However, an ad stating that it is for sale can now be found on ad portals. For 1.5 thousand. square meters m area of ​​the building and the plot requested 400 thousand. euros.

It is true that V.Las emphasizes that this announcement does not mean that the object will be sold at that price or transferred to other owners. Currently, the entrepreneur is considering several options: enable the object, sell it or find partners.

“The mansion could carry out cultural, recreational and health functions. However, on the one hand, when taking the empowerment of such objects, it is very important to consider their historical context – we were so interested when we spoke with the Jesuits, and we are currently awaiting the results of historical architecture research. On the other hand, the high quality implementation of any concept requires knowledge, human resources and partners; these are not fast processes. ” 15 minutes assured.

When asked why this price was set, V. Lašas said he did not want to focus on a specific number.

“We are open to the opportunity to cooperate with those interested in the mansion,” he explained.

Photo from personal archive / Vaidotas Lašas with his wife Monika in the mansion

Photo from personal archive / Vaidotas Lašas with his wife Monika in the mansion

V.Las said that both Lithuanians and foreigners are interested in the object.

“Today, manor houses are mainly oriented to enable culture or recreation, without exceptions and those interested in it. The Pagryžuvis mansion is very suitable for that: it is considered one of the most beautiful monuments of Lithuanian romantic architecture, only 7 km away – the wonderful Tytuvėnai monastery, 13 km away – Šiluva is visited by pilgrims all year round and has one of the eight Lithuanian Basilicas, ”he said.

Market value: around 250-300 thousand. euros

Remigijus Valickas, director of real estate projects at the real estate services company Ober-Haus, gave a positive assessment of the Pagryžuvis mansion. According to him, the object has everything: a large area, a park, next to it is a warehouse. However, the asking price was considered slightly excessive.

“The price may be high now, but you bought it, in my opinion, at a fairly low price. Its real market value is approximately 250-300 thousand. “he said.

R. Valickas believes that mansions are not a suitable object for resale, because they are not liquid enough, especially in more remote areas like this.

“Those who are close to Vilnius, Kaunas, their liquidity is better and there are many more potential buyers. Either for own use, or for commercial, tourist use, etc. “, He said.

“Upper house” nuotr./Remigijus Valickas

According to the expert, the location of this mansion is not attractive for those who would like to live in it.

“Also, it is difficult for me to imagine the development of agro-tourism. It is possible, but the geographical location is not the best. It is not close to main roads for convenient access and the like ”, R. Valickas is convinced.

According to the expert, it would be possible to sell the mansion, but he doubted the possibility of finding partners and developing the object together.

“I have not heard examples of something similar happening in the mansions. Maybe I’m wrong and I don’t know everything, ”he said.

And when commenting on the possibility of adapting the manor, R. Valickas explained that the owner of the manor must know what he wants to do there.

“Usually property buyers know what to do with it. If you want to sell a mansion, there is a question that is not reprehensible or what. The most important thing is to be supervised during the sales process, not destroy it, ”he said.

Owner photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

Owner Photo / Pagryžuvio Manor

R. Valickas is convinced that to adapt the manor to any activity, it would be necessary to invest much more than the worthy object itself. Plus, you doubt those investments are worth it.

“From what I’ve had to deal with with the owners of the mansions, if they want to use the mansions for economic activities, I don’t really expect any profit.” It is more of a justification for your investment without expecting a real and tangible return. For the lordship to sustain itself, but to profit … Let’s face it, ”said the interlocutor.

Exploring the mansion

V. Las, when asked what is the current state of the mansion, assured that the roof was not bad, the roof was changed and the facade was fixed. Until 2017, the Pagryžuvis branch of the Aukštelkė welfare home operated here, so the facilities were maintained.

“It is true that in Soviet times the adaptation of the mansion to the needs of the tuberculosis hospital caused a lot of damage to the heritage: an annex was delivered, pavilions were installed instead of the Jesuit chapel, garages, ancillary buildings in ruins, Se stables, servants’ house and barn were handed over. There are hardly any traces of Romans or Jesuits inside the mansion.

At present we take care that the manor does not disappear and the environment is managed: we cut the weeds, clean the rainwater pipes, we participate in the Fixus Mobilis project, where specialists advise on how to carry out preventive maintenance to maintain the manor in good state. good condition ”, said V.Las.

The mansion traveled from hand to hand

V. Las also commissioned architectural and historical investigations.

In the data collected by historian Indrė Baliulytė, which V. Lash shared with 15 minutes, it is claimed that the palace of the Pagryžuvis mansion was designed by one of the most brilliant of the 19th century. architects, representative of romanticism Fulgent Rimgáila. He came from a family of Samogitian nobles, which is why he is sometimes called a Samogitian architect.

The Pagryžuvis mansion palace has a strong connection between classicism and baroque: it was originally built on one floor, and the second floor was built before the First World War.

Photo from the archives of the Warsaw Library / Pageržuvis Mansion

Photo from the archives of the Warsaw Library / Pageržuvis Mansion

18th century At the end of the 19th century, the Pagryžuvis mansion belonged to the Šemetas nobles and later to the Pšeciševskis family. 19th century In early 1858-1859, the mansion was ruled by Raseiniai Marshal Adam Pšeciševskis, who left the property to his son Jeronimas. the manor house was built. However, Jeronimas Pšeciševskis supported in 1863. rebels, so the tsarist government deported him to Tomsk province.

1878 Isidorius Romeris, who had married the daughter of Jeronimas Pršecišveskas, bought the Pagryžuvis mansion, which was kidnapped after the uprising.

File photo / Pagryžuvis mansion

File photo / Pagryžuvis mansion

Stanislovas Romeris, who inherited the palace before World War I, rarely came to Pagryžuvis and did not visit it at all after the war; He lived in Vilnius and worked in the Air Force during the interwar period.

Also, in 1915, a front line spread nearby and soldiers mercilessly devastated the mansion. According to the historian, Eugenijus Romeris wrote a lot about him in 1914-1922. on blogs. The Germans had established an administrative center there, for the mansion in 1918-1919. damaged by retreating German soldiers, then devastated by Bermontians. Various items from the mansion were looted by peasants from the surrounding villages during the devastation. Eugenijus’s wife, artist Sofija Romerienė, did not like Pagryžuvis.

File photo / Pagryžuvis mansion

File photo / Pagryžuvis mansion

Finally, the 1922 land reform was fateful and was soon abandoned, and the mansion, which was sunk in debt, was turned over to the Society of Jesus, which had been restored in Lithuania.

“The white building on the riverbank in the large park looked impressive from afar. At the left end of the building, immediately noticed a thick and imposing tower that rose above the roof. The palace itself sits alongside a huge circular plaza or park, now of course terribly abandoned, turned into a wild meadow. Taking a closer look at the building over the years, the first good impression evaporated. Large holes in the ceiling, the walls are sometimes plastered and unpainted. There are few healthy glass in the windows. The front door is lined with boards. We started the repair of the palace from the roof, ”cleric Jonas Kidykas, who accompanied his teacher, Father Povilas Boegner, wrote in his diary to Pagryžuvis in mid-June.

Photo from the archives of the Warsaw Library / Pageržuvis Mansion

Photo from the archives of the Warsaw Library / Pageržuvis Mansion

The Jesuits raised Pagryžuvis, in the right wing of the palace, in one of the rooms next to the stream, they installed his chapel so that he would not have to go to Tytuvėnai every day. It is said that the owners of the Tytuvėnai mansion visited here often, who perfectly agreed with the monks.

1930 a wooden cross was erected in the rookie tower. 1931 In the summer of 2006, the shepherds of Kelmė and Lioliai held their retreats in Pagryžuvis. This was the first Jesuit-led retreat course for non-members of their order. In that year a power station and pigsty were expanded, several agricultural machines were purchased and electricity was introduced.

1941 after the outbreak of World War II, on June 24. Brother Anastaz Janulis tore down the monastery building and destroyed the portraits and posters of Soviet leaders and hoisted the Lithuanian tricolor flag on the tower. August 15 the newcomer Pagryžuvis was reopened, which operated until 1948, when it was liquidated. Its buildings have been handed over to the sanatorium of the dryers.
