Business: restrictions are painful, but necessary –


After the government tightened quarantine requirements on Sunday night, the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Andrius Romanovskis, says companies are waiting for state help.

“It’s probably painful for all of us and not just because it is a kind of restriction for business, but because it is a restriction for each of us as citizens. However, it is clear that this is necessary and unavoidable. Our only hope, already as business communities, is for the state to take care of certain things for business support at the same time, ”A. Romanovskis told BNS on Sunday night.

“We believe it will be done. (…) Companies understand that painful decisions must be made. But, you know, fast and efficient solutions are better than slow, delayed and inefficient ones, ”he added.

The LVK president also points out that the state has a duty not only to adopt rules, but also to ensure that everyone follows them equally. A. Romanovskis pointed out that public responsibility is also very important. Business representatives spoke about this to the new cabinet on Friday, making their recommendations.

“We have seen so far that most of the actual restrictions have been applied to business, but we see that there may still be a lack of public focus. So that common element of empowerment is particularly important. The business knows that any request will not compliance can cost the business. And it is important that the entire society understands that non-concentration or non-compliance can lead to some responsibility, “said the president of LVK.

In Lithuania, most stores, except for food products, will be closed from Wednesday, and the provision of contact services will be prohibited. Pharmacy, veterinary, optical and orthopedic technical equipment stores will remain open. They must provide an area of ​​10 square meters per person. E-commerce collection points will also be able to operate.

Author Vytautas Budzinauskas

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