British COVID-19 strains are spreading across regions: LSMU has identified 20 cases


Samples were collected from February 26 to March 2 in Kaunas (Kaunas city, Kaišiadorys, Jonava, Kėdainiai, Prienai), Marijampolė (Vilkaviškis and Marijampolė cities), Panevėžys, Šiauliai, Tauragė (Jurbarkas city), counties of Alytus, Utena and Telšia offices. and mobile checkpoints. Viral genetic material (RNA) was found in these individuals in a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) study. For sequencing, random samples were taken by county.

The highest number of British varieties was found in the counties of Marijampol ciento (87.5 percent), Telšiai (71.4 percent), Panevėžys (42.9 percent) and Kaunas (12.5 percent), the most low – in Šiauliai (6.9 percent).), Utena counties (9.1 percent) and Alytus (10.0 percent). No British variety was detected in Tauragė County. Compared to previous SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing studies, the British strain continues to predominate in Marijampolė County.

Knowing the counties in which the most susceptible British strain of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading is important for strategic decisions related to managing the COVID-19 pandemic, such as reducing the number of beds for patients with COVID-19 in personal health. care centers or ease quarantine restrictions.

British COVID-19 strains are spreading across regions: LSMU has identified 20 cases


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