Britain is admitting Lithuanians again – many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided


If you want to go to London or any other British city, you must meet the new requirements of this country. If you don’t have 10 days to isolate yourself from your personal money, that is not a very cheap and pleasant process. There are many stories in the local press of how people who misinterpreted the new government requirements were locked up in solitary confinement and put up for over a thousand pounds. Be careful, because it can happen to you too.

Only as of this Monday (August 2) has a new regime come into force in the United Kingdom, allowing travelers from the United States and the European Union to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with the exception of France, are exempt from quarantine on arrival. That requirement to be ‘fully vaccinated’ is the most important point that, for whatever reason, not everyone notices. Upon learning that England had been opened, people boldly began to book airline tickets, which are now significantly cheaper. For nine months since December, the country has been without tourism, with planes flying around London and other major cities. The trip was decided unless those who live here (work, study, etc.) or have urgent matters and can afford to close the quarantine for 10 days.

By the way, I have heard many stories from Lithuanians living in England about how seriously the government of this country takes the requirements of isolation. Those who have had or still have to shut down outsiders are heavily controlled by local authorities, from the police to special services specifically set up to deal with the Covid-19 crisis. You can read stories online about what he was like and how he was isolated, he had to film himself, photograph himself and the like. How the police went to people’s houses and hotels, how to catch and punish offenders.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

Now, if there is a relentless desire to see Queen Elizabeth’s country, or if serious business matters have arisen here, it is not enough to buy airline tickets. The traveler must make sure that fourteen days have passed after both vaccinations, this is very important. Not suitable for a few days, not suitable for a week, not suitable for even thirteen days. If counting on your own is more difficult, don’t worry, English services will do it for you. Because before arrival, each traveler must responsibly complete a newly created Special Public Health Passenger Location Form.

That form must indicate exactly the date of your Covid-19 vaccination, which can be found in the official European vaccination passport. But that alone is not enough. The English authorities are extremely cautious of those arriving now and require additional Covid-19 testing of all tourists. Yes, even vaccinated. There are no reservations, you want to come, you have to investigate for your money. And not once.

The first test must be done before the trip, while you are still in Lithuania. This can be a rapid antigen test or a PCR test, in both cases the test must be carried out in a clinic (not at home), since the traveler must have a negative answer with him, with the stamp and signature of the clinic.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

But that is not all. One test will not be enough. When filling in the British form, you must request another test immediately, also for a fee, this time necessarily by PCR. The English call it the “second day test.” It must be done on the second day of arrival in this country. The test should only be ordered from approved vendors and its price should be added to the necessary travel expenses for your personal budget. Second day tests at most providers cost between £ 30- £ 85. You need to pay for it before arrival and reserve the place where you plan to stay. With friends, family, in a rented hotel or apartment. It is not possible to circumvent this requirement, without the test order number the form will not be completed. And without it, there will be no travel.

When you do it correctly, you fill out the form according to all the requirements – you get a unique code that you will need before boarding the plane. For example, I checked in for a flight on the airline page as usual, but didn’t get my plane ticket like I used to. It was clearly stated in the system that currently, according to the new regulations, the ticket will only be issued on arrival at the airport. And this is because the person who works in the flight check-in box must enter his code number in the system before issuing his ticket, in the form in English already mentioned. Without it, the ticket is not available, the flight is not possible.

A vaccination certificate will also be required at the airport, as well as a negative response to the Covid-19 test. Employees pay close attention to the date of the test. Some people, who did them too early or alone at home, did not get on the plane without approval from the clinic.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

Britain has pulled out of the European Union, introduced a new stricter regime for those arriving during the Covid-19 pandemic, and many are concerned about the rigor of control when they arrive in the country. How many shakes, what will you ask, what paper will you look at. In fact, I myself expected stricter procedures at the border. However, I was pleasantly surprised: the procedure did not change, everything was like a few years ago in 2019.
At first, he was afraid of seeing a huge queue to get to customs officials at Luton Airport, but it coincided that at least five planes landed at the same time. As before arriving in England, travelers with identification cards must line up in a common line where they will be searched by an officer. And those who have chosen a paper passport for the trip can enter a smaller queue at the electronic gate, where they scan the passport themselves, independently.

Interestingly, no one asked for or verified any travel documents, not a vaccination passport, or a negative test after landing in London. Consequently, everything is left to the conscience and responsibility of the airport where the travelers come from.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

It is very important that you remember to take a test on the second day while you are in London. Otherwise, officials may knock on your door and be severely punished. The test came directly to my hotel. It’s such a small box with instructions in English as what it should be doing, everything is written quite clearly. “Put the toothpick in your nose, wash it five times and send it to our laboratory,” are the instructions. The postal service requires the inserted letter and return document in order to deliver the package free of charge.

I was a bit surprised that the entire test was left to full human consciousness. From what I heard, until recently in England, I had to do these tests myself at home; I had to film the entire procedure as proof that I was really doing the research and doing it myself, not my grandmother or cousin. But now this requirement is gone.

During the test, the person must activate it in the online space, just scan the code in the test by phone. In this way, the system will understand that the test you sent to the laboratory is yours. The number of people who perform the tests correctly, in all the procedures, remains to be guessed.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

And all order on the streets, in the shops, on London’s public transport is now left to the self-regulation of the people themselves, without government interference. Many places say that face masks are not mandatory, they are simply recommended. Consequently, a person can decide for himself whether he needs it or not. Therefore, for example, on subways, one in three travelers is exposed. Also in the mall.

By the way, I noticed another interesting thing: a person who frequently walks without a mask has a card around his neck, indicating that for some reason (not specified) he does not need to wear a mask.

In England, where the Coronavirus Delta strain is currently rampant, life seems to have reverted to old cancers. The tube is much more vibrant than exactly a year ago, at the same time. In August 2020, there were many empty trains, bars and cafes. Well, and the city streets were quieter.

Britain is admitting Lithuanians again - many new requirements and additional costs will not be avoided

© Orijus Gasanovas

If there were no masks in stores, bar staff, and signs lining the streets asking you to keep your distance, you might think there was no pandemic.

However, everyone should remember that in case of a dangerous virus in this country, the tourist will have to pay for the treatment himself, as well as isolation in the hotel, if necessary. Therefore, be careful, observe the safety requirements. While it’s not always up to you alone, I’ve been covered on London trains more than once a day.

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