Breeders rush over court decision to return unsupervised dog breeders: Accused attorneys for A. Tapinas, prominent veterinarian J. Šengaut


This is the decision of the Jonava Chamber of the Kaunas District Court to impose a fine of 700 euros on Alai Perederij for animal misconduct without confiscation of animals.

A.Tapinas was more outraged by this latest development, having written two posts on Facebook over the weekend.

In light of those circumstances, it is likely that as a result of those violations, the AP will assess its conduct in a self-critical manner and demonstrate an appropriate duty to conduct itself with care and diligence in the future in the care of its animals.

During last year’s raid, 55 dogs from A. Perederij were taken away by veterinary specialists. The court determined that the keeping of the animals did not meet the requirements of the law and the Requirements for Animal Breeders.

According to the court, the woman did not ensure that the animals’ freedom of movement was not restricted and that the animals did not feel uncomfortable, in pain or suffering, and carried out actions that endangered the health or life of the dogs.

Mr. Perederij, as a registered breeder, received a registration number that allowed him to keep and breed dogs in homes without using any equipment or outdoor aviaries.

However, the woman was found to have dogs in outdoor equipment and aviaries, as well as having significantly more dogs than she had indicated in her 2013 description of her activities.

Photo by DogSpot Animals found in Jonava's nursery

Photo by DogSpot Animals found in Jonava’s nursery

During the court hearing, A. Perederij pleaded guilty in part. He pleaded guilty only for failing to turn over all documents to the veterinary service, but he did not plead guilty to cruelty to animals.

The court found that most of the dogs they took had been diagnosed with health problems caused by their long-term negligence. In the case of two puppies, the lack of timely veterinary care led to deafness or other irreversible health problems. Already during the inspection, it was established that at least five dogs had not received veterinary assistance in time.

„AP (Wing Perederij – 15 minutes.

In deciding whether to order the confiscation of the animals, the court took into account the fact that the woman in question had been in the business of raising and caring for dogs for quite some time, had been registered as a breeder, had not been warned or punished. before.

The court stated that the woman “drew conclusions, promised to provide them with adequate housing conditions, found suitable premises to keep animals.”

Photo by DogSpot Animals found in Jonava's nursery

Photo by DogSpot Animals found in Jonava’s nursery

“In light of these circumstances, it is likely that the AP will make a self-critical assessment of its conduct and show an adequate duty of care in the future in the care of its animals (dogs)”, – stated in the Court’s decision.

If there is a circle in hell that Dante did not see, it is for those like Ala Perederij.

Outraged lawyers and vets

A. Tapinas, the founder of Laisvės TV, which participated in raids to detect illegal animal breeds last year, resented the court’s decision on Facebook Saturday night.

“If there is a circle in hell that Dante did not see, it is for people like Ala Perederij,” said the public figure.

He said court decisions are often made by good lawyers and “here we have a problem.”

According to A.Tapinas, the State was represented in the case by a specialist from the Kaunas branch of the State Food and Veterinary Service, and “the law firm Jankauskas ir partneriai and his lawyer Saulius Majauskas sided with the multipliers” . .

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Andrius Tapinas

Arno Strumilos / 15min nuotr./Andrius Tapinas

“Anyway, everything is fine here, the lawyers’ job is to defend what they want. But not quite right either, because two months ago Saulius Majauskas himself read a report on how to protect animals by legal means and that this It should be a priority in the Vytautas Magnus University seminar “Animal Welfare and Rights.” And then a role was put in the sacristy and the breeders who were torturing the animals came to defend it, ”wrote the founder of Laisvės TV on Facebook .

“Jankauskas and Majauskas, you are not a socially responsible law firm, you are dressed up hypocrites,” he added.

A. Tapinas also has a heart for the decision not to confiscate Perederij’s pets.

“Now listen: a two-legged creature, which is difficult to call human because of such behavior, deliberately, long and selfishly tortured defenseless living beings with crocodile tears, said ‘I will be good’ and the heart of Judge Šafronienė melted”, said the publicist wrote.

“So I don’t understand why other courts were so strict when, for example, Henrik Daktar also evaluated himself in a self-critical way and promised to draw conclusions, not kill more people and install a community room in his mansion, and he succeeded in doing so. life, ”said A. Tapinas.

A. Tapin was outraged that Jakov Šengaut, the director of the well-known Jakov Veterinary Clinic, was involved in the case.

“More details on why and how the great vet Jakov went to the dark side; I’ll write tomorrow,” he said.

As he said, he did so.

It was treated for a month, but indicated that the dogs were “relatively healthy.”

A.Tapinas distributed a new recording on Sunday morning, where he said that J.Šengaut testified as a specialist in the aforementioned case.

According to him, a well-known veterinarian presented the court with arguments in favor of A. Perederij in relation to the keeping and care of the dogs.

“Jakovas Šengaut, who was questioned as a witness at the court hearing, concludes with respect to all the captured animals that there are no signs that Ala has violated the law,” wrote A. Tapin.

However, according to him, a “waterfall” is happening here.

“Several of the dogs taken from the Ala multiplier were transported to the Jakov Veterinary Center, some were supervised by Jakov himself and the center provided written conclusions, which are with me.

In them, a dog has diarrhea and a lot of bacteria in the stool, the treatment lasts a month, but after that it defecates with blood impurities, another dog is given a cocktail of nine drugs, forced pulmonary ventilation is performed, the third is diagnosed with narrow bowel, compressed and coprostasis. Weeks of repetitive procedures, change of drugs, surgery after another month, 11 different drugs are prescribed. And so.

But according to Jakov, the dogs were relatively healthy, “said A. Tapinas.

The question why Jakov Šengaut decided to burn heroically, covering multiplier Al Perederij with his chest, remains open.

However, according to A. Tapinas, the court’s veterinary certificate was not convincing: the conclusion was said to be written in a superficial way, it was not taken into account that all the dogs were treated more in various clinics, including the Jakov Veterinary Center.

“The question why Jakov Šengaut decided to burn heroically covering the multiplier Al Perederij with his chest remains open.

I spoke to several vets who have openly told me that the “friendship” of colleagues with multipliers has been a public secret for many years, as the competition in big cities is fierce and multiplier dogs have a huge and stable income stream. and I would find it. It is difficult to find this income accounted for and taxes paid, ”said the public figure.

An ethical problem

Indrė Pileckienė, the director of the animal care organization Dogspotas, who observed the case, stated that J. Šengaut’s testimony is a matter of veterinary ethics.

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Dog

Marius Vizbaras / 15min photo / Dog

“You have a good understanding of the case that you are going to represent, you have a good understanding of what you are going to represent. You are not speaking for those who fight for the welfare of animals, but for those who continue to want to reproduce, exploit, maim and neglect them. illegally.

The full purpose of his testimony was to comment only on those animals that were comfortable forming the necessary opinion, saying for money that they were not neglected, did not need the necessary veterinary assistance, that they were not threatened with death or mutilation. The purpose of the testimony was for Jakov to explain that all the veterinarians who conducted the initial inspections and assessed the condition of the animals knew nothing, because from his authoritarian point of view it was different. 15 minutes said I. Pileckienė.

DogSpot protected 21 four-legged dogs out of 55 seized dogs. Of these, at least five dogs were treated at the Jakov Veterinary Clinic.

“So if in your opinion the animals are healthy, what are we treating? – asked I. Pileckienė rhetorically.

According to her, the rehabilitation of the puppies taken from the Jonava kennel has already cost about 5,000 euros for Dogspot.

15 minutes It is not yet possible to contact the veterinarian J.Šengaut. As soon as we are successful, we will add a comment to your post.

Jurgita Savickaitė, spokesperson for the State Food and Veterinary Service, said the service would appeal the Jonava court’s decision.
