Breastfeeding: the doctor explained the diseases of children who were breastfed less frequently


– How important is breastfeeding for both the mother and the newborn?

– By feeding the baby with her milk, the woman feels psychologically calmer and this peace is transmitted to the newborn. Smell it, hear the heartbeat, feel the softness of the skin: this is how the baby comes to know the world. In addition, breast milk, which is distinguished by its unique composition, is important for the health of the newborn. Proteins are easily digested by the baby, they are like a building material necessary for the baby’s body to grow and develop. The carbohydrates in the body of a child help to develop a good microflora that fills the intestines and takes care of their proper functioning.

Children who have been breastfed in the past have fewer allergies, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in the future and are less likely to have diabetes. Natural nutrition is no less important for the mother and her health: breastfeeding improves the absorption of calcium, making a woman less likely to develop osteoporosis. Research shows that women who breastfeed are less likely to have cancers of the ovary, cervix, uterus, and breast.

Breastfeeding: the doctor explained the diseases of children who were breastfed less frequently

– What determines the success of breastfeeding?

– When a baby is born, there is a certain blow in the family. During this special period, a woman needs the support of her family and the professionals who care for her to encourage her and help her face the challenges of breastfeeding. The initiation, success, and duration of breastfeeding depend on how much support a woman receives in her environment. It is very important that the most important information for a woman immediately after giving birth is provided by the staff working in the hospital.

The first contact between a woman and a newborn is also very important for a successful initiation of breastfeeding. Immediately after delivery, the baby is placed on the woman’s chest for two hours, during which time there are normally no medical procedures that interfere with the family.

Even if a woman delivers by cesarean section, she undergoes spinal anesthesia and, if circumstances allow, the staff will also place the newborn on the woman’s chest during the operation. In this way, the mother and the newborn establish a connection and the released hormones help to produce milk more quickly. As soon as a newborn is born, it begins to search for the breast itself and all we have to do is help it eat properly.

– How does a woman know that her milk is enough for a newborn? How often should a woman breastfeed?

– A breastfed baby should eat at least 8 times a day. But there is no proper feeding rhythm. As adults, we have our own rhythm, just like babies. Some eat more during the day and others at night, as well as with babies.

To know if there is enough breast milk for a newborn, the baby must be monitored. The newborn should urinate at least six times a day. It is quite difficult to assess if you are a baby in diapers. If a woman has any questions, we suggest that she put cloth pads on the diapers for a short time to control the baby’s urination. The child’s weight should also increase as recommended, which also indicates whether there is enough milk for him.

Breastfeeding: the doctor explained the diseases of children who were breastfed less frequently

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– How should a breastfeeding mother eat?

– A breastfeeding woman can eat normal foods, she should not restrict herself too much. What you ate before or during pregnancy can be continued to eat after delivery. The baby often inherits the mother’s propensity for certain foods, so the mother’s diet is usually right for her.

There are many myths that the amount of milk increases from certain products such as halva and walnuts. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this link. The amount of breast milk depends on the baby’s needs: by sucking, you adjust the amount of milk you need. The more the baby breastfeeds, the more milk the mother produces. For a woman, the most important thing is to eat a balanced diet, consume enough fluids and stop harmful habits.

– Can a woman take certain medications while breastfeeding if necessary?

– Women who are breastfeeding should only take medications prescribed by their doctor. Although they are few, there are medications that cannot be used while breastfeeding and your doctor will inform you.

– How to help a woman who has difficulty breastfeeding?

The woman on this trip is not alone and should bravely seek the help of professionals. Help should begin with the woman’s first contact during labor, that is, from a midwife in the maternity ward, who will show her how to hold the baby, properly feed the breast, and answer any questions she may have. Subsequently, the midwife of the midwife joins the team. When leaving the hospital, a GP, breastfeeding specialists, so the woman should not be shy and bravely seek the answers to her questions.
A woman’s environment should provide the right conditions for her to breastfeed, especially in the beginning when many questions arise. This means that when the baby is asleep, the woman must also rest, housework can really wait.

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