Body Therapist Rasa Mažionienė: You should be very worried if no one is happy after a day’s work


– Have you written a book on body therapy “Body therapy in my life”, tell me more about what it is and in what cases is it needed?

– For a long time it has been observed that what we think, feel, experience, sooner or later begins to be reflected in our body. And if it is difficult for a person to understand what disturbs his peace, it is even more difficult to name it. Body therapy is a way to influence the well-being of a person, helping her to understand her limits, to expand them. This practice helps to achieve deep relaxation, provides the opportunity to feel the feelings freely, which has a very great health effect. Therefore, body therapy is applied successfully in rehabilitation.

– The book promises information that will help restore health, happiness and success, because our body is the best guide. Skeptics would probably wonder if it is appropriate to rely solely on the body and its senses when making decisions. Or perhaps this is the biggest problem of modern man: we put too much responsibility on the mind and listen too little to how we feel?

– Happiness, success, well-being, harmonious relationships with oneself and people are nothing more than the totality of correctly formed neural connections. That is to say: what I feel, what I say, what I say, what I do. If we feel one and say the other, because it is more comfortable in the situation we have, the energy is released in the action, but the action is not performed or is performed incorrectly. For example, I want to cry, but I smile.

This creates tension in the body, leading to a feeling of irritation and an inadequate response to stressful situations or, if a person presses on their feelings with great force, psychosomatic pain. Over time, tensions in a person begin to irritate the environment, conflict situations occur and the person is overwhelmed by problems that have no logical basis, as they say “did not coincide with the biofields.”

The more a person feels the tension in the body, the more difficult it is for him to feel the subtle reactions of the body to changing situations. Therefore, modern people tend to analyze everything logically, which is not bad, but the action must end in emotional satisfaction: what I wanted, I got it.

– And what do common diseases mean? When we get sick, we attack to buy medicines and vitamins, to rest, but when we recover, we continue with a normal life. What should be done differently? How to learn to listen to what the body wants to say?

– Common diseases indicate weak immunity. It can be said that a person experiences an internal conflict that manifests itself in constant greater or lesser stress. The more serious the form and course of the disease, the more desperate the situation for a person. Pay close attention to the signs your body sends, such as headaches or dizziness, nausea, shaky hands and the like, and as soon as you feel it, ask yourself: what is the reason for this feeling? Maybe there was an unpleasant conversation, maybe there were some memories or thoughts about the future. It is also important to look for the causes of stress and eliminate them or change your reaction to it.

People think a lot, they get involved in internal philosophies, justifications, but they don’t act. Today there are very effective practitioners who teach to observe their bodies, but it must always be remembered that the main task of these searches is to learn to see opportunities in problems and to take appropriate actions.

When you lie to yourself, the tension in your body is at the same level as if you were lying about something and were afraid of being “caught” at the crime scene. At the end of the day, a person who sees meaning in his work also feels tired, but at the same time emotional satisfaction, which significantly neutralizes that fatigue.

– As for men, many of them generally ignore various ailments and do not even go to the doctor, waiting for it to “pass”. Some are still affected by old stereotypes and are still “single” to be sick or weak. Are men further removed from the opportunity to understand themselves better?

While a healthy lifestyle is becoming fashionable, men still tend to take less care of themselves, as many of them believe that taking care of themselves is a sign of weakness. This can be explained by the fact that there is a category of men who seek diseases as a way to avoid responsibilities. But neglecting health is also a subconscious reluctance to take responsibility. Men who do not feel their worth, do not trust themselves, and fear that others will notice, begin to ignore their physical and psychological problems. In this way, they run away from themselves, exhaust their bodies and become ill, so they can supposedly not be legitimately responsible for their words, for their goals. Therefore, preventive health screenings tend to men who have long-term, satisfying goals that are more meaningful than fear of making a mistake. And the consistent development and achievement of meaningful, long-term life goals greatly strengthens the immune system.

Body Therapist Rasa Mažionienė: You should be very worried if no one is happy after a day's work

– You have said “If you are tired at the end of the working day, it means you were not yourself”, but you rarely have to work after work. So are there so many people who don’t follow your path at all? Why do you think this is so?

– In the quote, I mean the psychological tension or exhaustion reflected in the body, which occurs when feeling dissatisfied but without changing anything. Certainly each of us has been in a situation where the mere thought of having to do some work that we feel resistance makes the arms lean, the legs lean, includes drowsiness, anger.

This is exactly what most people do in their lives: they do what they don’t like, but more importantly, they don’t see the point of it. This is because as financial well-being becomes a goal, people forget that money is just a means to an end that provides emotional satisfaction. And it’s not just the holidays, the things, the food, but the meaning of life. You have to worry a lot if after a day of work nobody is happy, it is difficult to communicate with loved ones or they suffer from sleep disorders. These are signs that you are not being true to yourself. When you lie to yourself, the tension in your body is at the same level as if you were lying about something and were afraid of being “caught” at the crime scene. At the end of the day, a person who sees meaning in his work also feels tired, but at the same time emotional satisfaction, which significantly neutralizes that fatigue.

– In what way can we express negative emotions so that they do not accumulate if we do not want to express them, for example, to the person who caused them? Is writing an effective way?

– Anger accumulates when we cannot react quickly to a situation or do not have the conditions to do so. Negative emotions need to be expressed through some kind of action: words, physical or creative discharge, or writing anger on paper that needs to be destroyed. Writing anger letters is a very effective practice to trigger anger because all emotions get stuck on paper and do not reach the recipient. It is recommended to do it prophylactically once every six months or as needed. A person needs to write letters until we can hug the person in our minds and thank them for knowing us so much in life and working so well with ourselves. This is how the enemy becomes the master.

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