Boat rental entrepreneur in Trakai: Lithuanians can pay 100 euros for a trip today


When we get to meet Arthur, it’s an early, summery Monday. Although we are generally used to seeing many people relaxing and entertaining themselves in Trakai, we do not see them at all that morning.

Arthur takes us to the dock, where there are usually dozens of businessmen offering to rent pedal boats or dinghies, but he immediately says we’re not going to talk about it today, he’ll show his latest purchases: Solliner’s black and white eco-boats, what else, As he emphasizes, there is no other place in Lithuania.

When you get close, Artūras says that the boats are special because they are powered by the energy of the sun, and when you enter, he explains that the boat has nine seats, and if the day is windy, you can lower the curtain a bit.

Boat rental entrepreneur in Trakai: Lithuanians can pay 100 euros for a trip today

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Overall, the man says his boat rental business started about six years ago. One of its first ships was a hybrid, with an internal combustion diesel engine and an electric one.

“During that time, we realized that this is the future and we have to invest in it.” Last year we found these Solliner boats, their manufacturers are Polish and we want to deliver them also in Trakai. It is a novelty, “he says.

And in fact, when the boat’s engine starts, you don’t hear any of the normally high engine sounds.

“The advantage of electric swimming is that when we swim, you can barely hear it,” says Arthur, saying he bought them himself late last season.

When asked if these ships have attracted the attention of many who wish to sail during that time, the businessman openly says that since inbound tourism is significantly lower this year, Lithuanians themselves or guests from Estonia, Latvia and Poland enjoy the pleasure of sailing.

“People understand the importance of ecology. On Friday I will have a client who said that if we sail with an electric motor, it will sail for half an hour more, which means that it will pay more,” he says as we sail.

Boat rental entrepreneur in Trakai: Lithuanians can pay 100 euros for a trip today

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

It is true, how much does that ship cost, Arthur does not open. He argues that the price depends on the equipment of the boat.

“Black is more expensive because it costs more to implement, but I will leave it as a trade secret,” he says, saying that the language is about ten thousand.

The man does not hide the fact that parties are often held on board, but he laughs that if a more serious party is planned, he also has bigger ships.

“We also have limousines in the water with a second floor,” he laughs.

It is true that an hour of travel on such an ecological boat costs 100 euros, but Artūras says that today Lithuanians can really pay that much for a trip.

“We just realized that we could pay so much.” On the other hand, people are looking for entertainment because they can’t go abroad, so they go to Trakai. When the weather is nice, you understand what is happening here, sometimes it is even difficult to enter the city, ”he says.

“In general, I understand that this year, from a commercial point of view, they will not be good, but the problem is not existential, the problem of business continuity, it should be.” There will be as many clients as there will be, ”says Artūras.

The man’s family also owns the Kybynlar coffee, and is also the representative of these ecological ships in Lithuania.

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