BNS: Tuesday’s highlights


Tighten the quarantine:

* Starting at midnight, stricter quarantine conditions will come into force in Lithuania: it will be forbidden to go outside the municipality without a serious reason, only shops for essentials will work, it will be forbidden to meet with non-residents. Two people who live alone or members of the same family may go for a walk.

* There will be 250 movement control posts in the country during the country, during holidays and weekends, with a ban on moving between municipalities without good reason. Mobile monitoring will take place in the next few days.

* As residents rush to stores to buy before the quarantine tightens, the police promise to organize additional inspections of supermarkets and, in case of violations, decide on the responsibility of their management. Experts urge the population to abandon unnecessary shopping and predict that the number of daily coronavirus cases could be cut in half by the end of the year if the requirements are met.

* Public services in churches are suspended from Wednesday to January 3. The house of prayer will remain open to individual believers and religious rites will be performed only in the immediate family circle, with the prior agreement of the priest.

* Regitra has announced that it will suspend practice tests from Wednesday until January 31. At the moment, exams scheduled for January 3 will be canceled.

Coronavirus situation:

* 1,432 new COVID-19 cases and 38 deaths per day were confirmed, the highest number of deaths per day to date. 2,372 COVID-19 patients are treated in hospitals, 180 of which are in resuscitation.

* Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys announced that the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine will be about 10,000. dose. However, according to the government and experts, the biggest challenge will be ensuring a smooth vaccination process. Doctors and people at risk will be vaccinated first.

* Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė says that funds for medical supplements will be planned in next year’s budget, and that all necessary measures for the COVID-19 situation in the draft budget already exceed 1 billion. euros.

* There was a protest in the Ukrainian capital against the strict quarantine conditions. The police did not allow tents to be erected in the Plaza de la Independencia, urged not to provoke and protest peacefully. The protesters demanded the lifting of quarantine measures for small businesses.

* The European Medicines Agency will meet in early December 21 for a meeting on the marketing authorization of BioNTech and Pfizer for COVID-19. A decision was previously scheduled to be made no later than December 29. The institution was pressured by European states, especially Germany, to advance the date. The vaccine is expected to be licensed on December 23. The US, UK and Canada have already started vaccinating.

* The US Food and Drug Administration has stated that it has no comment on the safety of the vaccine developed by the Moderna pharmaceutical company. This decision paves the way to allow vaccination with this product as well.

* In Turkey, a curfew will be introduced for four days from December 31st. In the Netherlands, a five-week quarantine was announced, during which only grocery stores, schools, public entertainment establishments and limited human contacts will be opened.

* In the United States, the coronavirus pandemic has already claimed more than 300,000 lives. human lives.

“Reuters” / “Scanpix” nuotr./Moderna “vakcina

Belarusian oil. BNK, a subsidiary of Belaruskaja neftenaja kampanija, the largest exporter of Belarusian petroleum products, has temporarily suspended the export of petroleum products through the Klaipedos Nafta terminal in Klaipeda. BNK stated that it would report when exports would fully resume. Klaipedos Nafta claims that it is clarifying the need for services for next year and seeks to prepare for any business scenario.

The inviolability of beauty. The Seimas revoked the legal immunity of Petras Gražulis, representative of the Joint Group of members of the Seimas. 97 members of the Seimas voted in favor, six against and 26 abstentions.

The Šimonytė team. I.Šimonytė appointed Giedrė Balčytytė, his staff representative in the presidential elections, Chancellor of the Government. Ieva Skarelytė, who previously held the position of rapporteur for the Lithuanian Christian National Democratic Union (TS-LKD) in the Seimas, has been appointed head of the Prime Minister’s Office. His duties go from Monday.

Biden’s victory. Joe Biden was formally confirmed as president-elect of the United States by a vote in the Electoral College. This move closes out outgoing President Donald Trump with almost every opportunity to challenge his defeat. According to Biden, American democracy was “pushed, tested, threatened” this year. However, he noted that the country’s system proved to be “resilient, well-functioning and strong.”

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Joe Bidenas

Withdrawal of the prosecutor. Trump has announced the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr. The prosecutor had previously rejected statements by the head of state that he had lost the elections due to massive fraud.

Complaint about penalties. The businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, linked to the Kremlin, has asked the European Court of Justice that his name be removed from the Community sanctions list. By calling in Putin’s chef, Prazhozin is accused of supporting a private mercenary army, Wagner, which is obstructing the peace processes in Libya.

Child abduction. The jihadist movement of Boko Haram claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of at least 333 students from a boys’ school in northwestern Nigeria on Friday. Local Nigerian officials have reported conversations with the kidnappers. “In 2014, Boko Haram abducted hundreds of students from a girls’ school in Chibok.

Navalno pursuit. A joint international media investigation revealed that chemical weapons experts from the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) had been following the Kremlin’s criticism of Alexei Navalna for several years, including the day he was poisoned. Navaln plans to request the Investigation Committee and the Federal Security Service to investigate the information published by the western media.

Disconnection. Somalia has announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Kenya, accusing Nairobi of repeated interference in the country’s political affairs. Tensions have been mounting between the two neighbors for some time now, and news of the breakdown of the relationship has echoed Kenya’s reception from the leaders of Somaliland, a separatist state not recognized by Mogadishu and considered part of Somalia.
