BNS: Tuesday’s highlights


Introduction of quarantine. Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis has announced that universal quarantine will be introduced for three weeks starting on Saturday. Expected restrictions:

* It is forbidden to communicate with more than two families, up to 10 people can meet.

* Cafes and restaurants will be closed, food will only be available to take away.

* Kindergartens and primary education will operate without restrictions. Older students will be offered distance or blended education. High schools will operate remotely.

* Sports clubs, swimming pools, cinemas, theaters, museums, libraries are closed.

* Sporting events may be held without spectators.

* Up to 10 people can attend weddings and funerals. It is forbidden to perform rituals and services physically.

* Stores will be able to operate, but must provide at least 10 square meters. meters for buyers.

* Hair salons and beauty salons may operate in accordance with security requirements, accepting only pre-registered clients.

Scheduled services. Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga promises that scheduled services in medical institutions will not be suspended unless this is unavoidable due to the increasing number of hospitalized patients infected with coronavirus.

Koronaviruso statistika. During the day, 897 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania and five infected people died. COVID-19 hospitals are currently treating 613 people, 51 of whom are in resuscitation.

Astravo power plant. Belarus has started generating electricity at the Astrava nuclear power plant. Lithuania stopped exchanging electricity with Belarus a few minutes later.

LLRA Appeal. Gitanas President Nausėda and Seimas President Viktoras Pranckietis rejected the request of the Polish Lithuanian Electoral Campaign, the Union of Christian Families, to submit a request to the Constitutional Court on the results of the Seimas elections. In the complaint, the party led by Valdemar Tomaševskis claimed that the law on elections to the Seimas had been seriously violated by a campaign initiated by the publicist, the program’s host, Andrius Tapinas, which aimed to prevent the party from entering parliament . Vytautas Sinkevičius, professor of constitutional law, affirms that the president of the Seimas cannot make this decision alone and it must be considered by the entire parliament. The ruling “peasants” call an extraordinary session of the Seimas on this appeal.

Luke April / 15min photo / Valdemaras Tomaševskis

Luke April / 15min photo / Valdemaras Tomaševskis

The presidential elections begin in the United States:

* The current presidential Republican of the United States, Donald Trump, who is seeking re-election, said on the 74th that he “feels very good” about his re-election chances and hopes for victory in all the major states, including Florida and Arizona.

* Former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, 77, said it was “time to get up and get your democracy back” and vowed to “heal the soul of the nation.”

* The Vilmorus poll commissioned by BNS showed that more Lithuanians would like the victory of J. Biden: 32.5 percent. of those surveyed chose J. Biden, and 18.1 percent. – D. Short. Almost half of the respondents did not have an opinion. During the investigation, a thousand residents were asked which of the candidates would be best for Lithuania.

Scanpix Photo / Shooting in Vienna

Scanpix Photo / Shooting in Vienna

Act of terror. In the Austrian capital, armed robbers attacked people gathered in cafes and restaurants on Monday night. Four people were shot and several more were injured. The attacker was killed by the police. He is mentioned as a supporter of the Islamic State. The Austrian police carrying out the investigation organized 18 raids and arrested 14 people. The attack took place the last night before the coronavirus outbreak quarantine went into effect.
