BNS: The highlight of Thursday


Spread of the virus. Nine new cases of coronavirus were detected per day. Three of them are imported, three more are associated with a personal vacation. Five cases were detected in Vilnius County, two in Panevėžys, one in Alytus and Utena. A man infected with a coronavirus escaped from a hospital in Kaunas on Thursday and was detained overnight. It is known that he lived on the street for some time before being in a medical institution, he was able to communicate with several people, so specialists are looking for people who can contact him.

Viruses in the neighborhood. In Latvia, six new cases of coronavirus were confirmed, in Belarus – 167, six people died, in Poland – 418, nine patients died, in Ukraine – 856, 17 patients died, in Russia – 5.8 thousand. new cases, 147 people died.

Registration Center problems. When the Registry Center attempted to restore the functioning of the electronic health system on the third day, cybersecurity specialists from the Ministry of National Defense say that its operation had to be restored in a maximum of eight hours. The Minister of Economy and Innovation, Rimantas Sinkevičius, claims that the Records Center did not have an electronic health backup server and was not adequately prepared for potential accidents, but now is not the time to search for culprits. Saulius Urbanavičius, the head of the Records Center, claims that the reserve capacity had to be installed this year, the problems were known and resolved, but the head of the situation assumes responsibility for the situation.

Sigismund Gedvila Photo / 15min / Records Center

Sigismund Gedvila Photo / 15min / Records Center

Verdict in the government file. The court ruled in an unappealable order that the Government Chancellery violated the rights of journalists by deleting the audio recording of a meeting held in October 2018 to discuss the issue of access to data registration for journalists free of charge. The court found that there was currently no real possibility to reproduce the requested sound recording. “Journalists have the right to receive information within one business day and the Chancellery, having the information at their disposal, had the opportunity to provide this information within one business day, but, as is well known, refused to not provide this information, “said Judge Dalia Višinskienė.

Action for damage to the heat industry. The Ministry of Energy has filed more than LTL 240 million before the Lithuanian court. A claim against the French energy group Veolia, the natural property concern of Icor and people related to these companies for damages to Lithuania. Lithuania claims that Veolia and Icor, through their representatives, made illegal payments to the country’s officials to lease the thermal power plant and obtain the leases through corrupt practices, and to obtain unreasonable profits at the expense of consumers.

Holidays for doctors. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation reported on the fight against the coronavirus about 50 thousand. Doctors will award a EUR 200 grant for recreation in the fall: they will be available for travel, hotels, sanitariums and other recreations. A total of 10 million have been allocated for this. euros

Russian revisionism. To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Sumner Welles Declaration condemning the Soviet occupation of the Baltic states, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, condemned the attempts Russia to rewrite history to justify the Soviet occupation and the annexation of the Baltic states.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / 80th anniversary of the Sumner Welles declaration

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / 80th anniversary of the Sumner Welles declaration

“Bitter Pill”. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen acknowledged that decisions to cut funds for some of the European Union programs, approved by the bloc’s leaders, were a “bitter pill to swallow.” European Parliament President David Sassoli welcomed the agreement of European leaders on the recovery package, but condemned the multi-year budget cuts for research and youth. He also noted plans to reduce funding for migration and asylum policy. The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, has asked the European Parliament to approve the recovery package despite budget cuts.

Mars Research. China has launched a launch vehicle to launch the country’s first quarterback. The United States is preparing to launch a similar mission next week. The UAE already launched its Red Planetary research apparatus on Monday. The parties are trying to take advantage of a favorable moment that lasts for about a month, which repeats itself only every 26 months, when Earth and Mars are closer to each other.

Punishment for a Nazi field guard. A German court found a former Nazi concentration camp guard, Bruno Dey, 93, guilty of the death of 5,230 people in a Stutthof concentration camp near the current city of Gdansk in Poland, and sentenced him to two years in prison. This may be one of the latest trials against the surviving former guards of the Nazi concentration camp.

Coronavirus in the world. Globally, the number of people infected with coronavirus exceeded 15 million, 3 million. of which in Europe. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the number of cases exceeded 4 million, half in Brazil. This country confirmed a record on the last day: almost 67.9 thousand. – new cases of COVID-19. In the United States, the number of cases is 3.9 million: In recent weeks, infection and death rates have increased particularly in the south and west of the country. Mandatory mask use has been introduced in Melbourne, Australia’s second largest city, to curb the spread of the virus.
