BNS: Highlights of Wednesday


Case of January 13. The Lithuanian Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s ruling that more than 60 former senior Soviet officials had been found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the events of January 13. The court has increased the penalties for Russian officers, officers Yuri Meli and Gennady Ivanov, the only convicts involved in the process. Other defendants, former soldiers, Communist Party and KGB personalities, have been sentenced in absentia. Following Moscow’s previous court trial of the judges who heard the case, European Commissioner Didier Reynders assured that the European Union would protect them from Russian revenge.

Coronavirus situation:

* 853 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Lithuania, seven people died. The rate of new illnesses in 14 days is 100,000. the population continues to increase and currently stands at 329.

* Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė announced that about 130 thousand people will arrive in Lithuania this week. vaccine doses, of which 96 thousand. will be administered for the first dose. According to her, with the increase in vaccine delivery, the biggest challenge in the near future will be to vaccinate fast enough.

* Following a meeting of the Government Emergency Commission, it was announced that traffic restrictions during the Easter weekend would be ensured by a reinforced force of civil servants working in stationary positions. There are also promises to pay more attention to meetings in public spaces, and there are plans to monitor train passengers.

* The Vilnius City Council has decided to lease the facilities of the Litexpo Exhibition Center for the vaccination of residents against COVID-19. 46 vaccination sites are planned at the facility.

* For Lithuanian judges, the Ministry of Health explained that judges can be vaccinated in order of priority, although they are not directly identified as a priority group in the order of Minister Arūnas Dulkis. The lawyers said they should be vaccinated in the same order as the judges.

Photo by LRV / Arūnas Dulkys

Photo by LRV / Arūnas Dulkys

* A new coronavirus outbreak was found at a tissue farm in Lazdijai district. Nearly 12,000 are grown here. tissues.

* Russia has reported the registration of the world’s first coronavirus vaccine for animals to prevent possible mutations in the virus.

* The United States and 13 other countries, including Lithuania, expressed concern over a World Health Organization (WHO) expert report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and called on China to grant researchers full access . WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyes asked for a closer look at the theory that the virus could have been released from the laboratory.

VAT relief. The Seimas Budget and Finance Committee approved the preferential 9%. Application of the VAT rate to the gastronomic, sports, film and cultural sectors most affected by the pandemic. For the catering sector, the exemption would apply to non-alcoholic services. The consideration of the relay at the Seimas is scheduled for Thursday and the reception, after Easter. The benefit is criticized by President Gitanas Nausėda and outgoing central bank president Vitas Vasiliauskas.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Vitas Vasiliauskas

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Vitas Vasiliauskas

Changes in support. The government has expanded the list of potential beneficiaries from the second worst-hit business in April. The business volume reduction poster, compared to the pre-pandemic period, has been reduced to 50%, the support ceiling for a company has been raised from 100 thousand. up to 350 thousand. The grant package itself increases by € 70 million. up to 120 million 50 million euros. moving on from the first enterprise support package. Companies will be able to calculate support in three ways: based on fees paid, fixed costs incurred after receiving the money during the audit, and smaller companies requesting lower amounts will be able to receive support without an audit.

Cheap shareholders. The Baltic e-commerce group Pigu has received private equity investments Mid Europa Partners, which is becoming the group’s main shareholder. Under the agreement, Pigu is merged with the Estonian company Hobby Hall Group (HHG), and the founder and CEO of Pigu will remain Dainius Liulys. The former shareholders of Pigu, MCI Group, as well as the founders of Pigu and HHG, will remain minority shareholders of the joint venture.

Complaint against Poland. The European Commission has appealed to the Court of Justice of the European Communities for judicial reform in Poland, which allegedly undermines the independence of the country’s judiciary. Brussels asks the Court to temporarily suspend a law passed by Poland in 2019 until a final ruling is issued.

“Deliveroo” fiasko. The long-awaited debut on the London Stock Exchange turned into a fiasco: Shares of the food delivery platform Deliveroo fell approximately 30% on the morning of the first trading day compared to the IPO price. During the IPO, a share in the company was priced at £ 3.90 and the company as a whole was valued at £ 7.6 billion. but just minutes after the start of operations, the company lost nearly £ 2.3 billion. value in pounds. Deliveroo, which is often criticized for poor working conditions, was the IPO’s biggest London debut in a decade.

Sanctions on Belarus. Belarusian authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko has signed an order prohibiting the import of certain categories of goods and the purchase of services from institutions in countries that have imposed sanctions on Belarus. Specific lists will be approved by the national government.

Prime Minister of Slovakia. Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic has resigned over the failed management of the pandemic, after receiving criticism for his decision to buy Russian vaccines against COVID-19. Finance Minister Eduard Heger instructed Slovak President Zuzana Čaputova to form a new government.

Reuters / Scanpix nuotr./Igoris Matovičius

Reuters / Scanpix nuotr./Igoris Matovičius

Espionage for Russia. During a spy case in Italy, an Italian officer was arrested on suspicion of handing over confidential documents in exchange for money to the Russian army. The Russian, who is an embassy official, escaped arrest due to his diplomatic immunity.

Volkswagen joke. German auto giant Volkswagen has announced that the news of the company changing the name of the American division to Volkswagen was an early joke on April 1. Volkswagen has announced a name change in the US to reflect its commitment to increasing investment in electric mobility. This joke was reported as real news by many well-known media outlets, some of which had received assurances that the name change was not a joke.
