BNS: Highlights of Monday


Coronavirus in Lithuania:

* Three people died of coronavirus on Monday, with 205 new cases confirmed each day. A quarter of the new cases involve educational institutions. 229 people are treated in hospitals for COVID-19, 20 of them in resuscitation. COVID-19 is already used in 57% of patients. beds for this purpose, reaching 70%. The provision of some scheduled services will be suspended.

* The government announced Wednesday that all municipalities will be divided into red, yellow and green groups, and the central government will provide them with recommendations on how to combat the spread of the virus. The Prime Minister urged people to give up unnecessary events.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Special Voting Center for Self-Service in Vilnius

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Special Voting Center for Self-Service in Vilnius

* The Government Committee has tentatively decided to increase the salaries of the staff of the National Center for Public Health and of doctors who work with patients with coronavirus. The Cabinet promises to make the final decision on Wednesday.

* To slow the spread of the coronavirus, a one to two week extension of student leave is being considered, starting October 26. A final decision has not yet been made.

* Vilnius authorities rejected a call from the National Center for Public Health to reduce the opening hours of bars, but said they agreed with the entertainment establishments stricter rules on distance and hygiene. Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga criticizes the Vilnius municipality. “I am very, very skeptical that the drunken company keeps their distance even if they split up there in some dances, not dance zones,” A. Veryga said at the press conference.

Coronavirus abroad:

* Belgium has closed bars and restaurants for four weeks starting Monday, banning the sale of alcohol from 8 pm and introducing a curfew from midnight to 5 pm

* Italian restaurants must close at midnight and no-table bars at 6 p.m. The number of people at tables is limited to six, mayors are free to impose restrictions on popular gathering places, and fairs are prohibited in the country.

* The Polish government has announced that a 500-bed temporary hospital for coronavirus patients will be installed at the National Stadium in Warsaw.

* Wales has announced that it will introduce a two-week quarantine on Friday at 6 p.m. It will close businesses that do not provide essential services and instruct people to stay home.

* Iran reported a record number of coronavirus casualties, with 337 deaths per day from COVID-19 infection.

* The German government has announced an investment of 500 million. improve ventilation systems in public buildings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Seimas Elections:

* Preliminary voting began in the second round of the Seimas elections. The deputies are chosen in 68 electoral districts. Voters in self-isolation can vote for the first time at special car spots.

* Ramūnas Karbauskis, the leader of the “peasants” who voted in the Kaunas City Council, stated that low voter turnout would be beneficial to the right wing. “If the people do not come to the elections, it is clear that the right-wing policy of happiness and belt-tightening will probably be implemented immediately,” R. Karbauskis told reporters.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15 minutes / Re-voting in the elections to the Seimas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15 minutes / Re-voting in the elections to the Seimas

* Aušrinė Armonaitė, the chairwoman of the Freedom Party, who voted in Vilnius Lukiškės Square, said she believed that a ruling center-right coalition would form after the elections. “The center-right political force is likely to show initiative. We would consider contributing to the coalition. We will change the government that governs Lithuania through fear and division, ”A. Armonaitė told reporters.

* Conservative candidates who voted early in Vilnius, Lukiškės Square, hope to win at least 20 seats in the second round.

Hate speech. The Prosecutor’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation for incitement to hatred in response to the words of the former president of Seimas Arūnas Valinskas about Valdemaras Tomaševskis, MEP, president of the Polish Lithuanian Electoral Action Union of Christian Families. “Tomaševskis is a beetle of absolute color who, receiving funding for his party from the Lithuanian state budget, is an anti-state. Anyway, those should be shot. One year at a time. Start with that,” A. Valinskas told the portal A. Valinskas himself says that his speech was humorous and cannot be considered incitement to hatred.

Energy prices. Energy Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas announced that electricity will not be expensive for the population next year. “The price of electricity for 2021 should remain the same as it is now, and perhaps decrease slightly,” Ž.Vaičiūnas said in an interview with BNS. According to him, the price of gas should remain stable.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

Raids in France. French police raided the homes of dozens of Islamists three days after the devastating attack, in which they cut off the head of a teacher who was showing cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad to his students. More than 80 investigations into online hate speech have been launched since the teacher was murdered.

Elections in Bolivia. Preliminary figures show that leftist Luis Arce won the Bolivian presidential elections. He is considered the successor of former leader Evo Morales. Last year, Morales won his fourth term in the disputed election, despite the fact that it went against the country’s constitution. The results of this vote were later annulled by the outbreak of street protests. Morales resigned and went abroad, this time he was not allowed to run.

“We have restored democracy and restored stability and social peace,” Arce said of the victory.
