Bloomberg: Trump Jokes Already Circulating


Realizing the looming chaos that Donald Trump is capable of causing to distract, the president-elect and his advisers have devised a strategy that they believe is the only way to neutralize such a threat: ignore it.

One of the lessons learned during Biden’s victorious presidential election campaign, they say, is that there are not many incentives to interact with Trump and that his propensity to introduce the show no longer convinces Americans. Tensions will peak on January 6, when the US Congress officially ratifies Biden’s victory, and Trump supporters will stage protests in the streets of Washington, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Biden insists that “we are not going to war with Donald Trump every day,” said adviser Kate Bedingfield.

“He is not like that, and that is not what Americans expect from the president,” he said.

Will you return in 2024?

But it won’t be easy for the next administration to ignore Trump, who will likely remain at least an aggravating circumstance for Biden. By refusing to admit defeat and declaring the defeated elections illegal, he made it clear that he did not plan to quietly withdraw and has already told his colleagues that he will run again in the 2024 presidential elections.

For decades, US presidents who handed over leadership of the opposition party have done so with dignity, even those who lost elections after a term. Bet. Trump’s approach demonstrates the worst transfer of power in the history of all time and could pose serious obstacles for Biden, who already faces a long list of crises.

Donald trump

Donald trump

“This territory is unprecedented,” said Steve Israel, director of the New York Institute for Politics and World Affairs and Cornell University, a former Democratic congressman who has served eight terms. “We have never had a president who deliberately claims that his successor will fail.”

Biden’s team sees Trump’s efforts to reverse the will of the electorate, as well as his efforts to recruit Republican lawmakers to challenge Wednesday’s approval of Congressional election results, as greater damage to the outgoing president’s legacy than Joe Biden’s.

And he believes there are already signs that Trump’s rostrum and his ability to attract public attention are spreading, including waning media interest in his grotesque election-related comments and less desire for Republicans in Congress. persuade the president in recent legal battles (such as Trump’s first term in office). was rejected by the presidential veto).

But Biden’s strategy of ignoring Trump will likely stand the test of time.

The outgoing president, feeling his remaining power depended on a still high number of supporters, has in recent weeks been threatening Republican lawmakers who dare to defend him.

D. Trump repeatedly emphasized that he had raised $ 74 million. a record number of votes as a losing presidential candidate and claimed that his name on the ballot helped Republicans win elections and re-elections in the federal services.

“Senate Republicans [tai] forgotten so quickly, ”he wrote on Twitter on December 22. “Without my support for them in the last elections, they would now have 8 fewer seats.”

In the same post, Trump predicted that John Thune, the second most important Republican in the Senate, would lose the 2022 Republican Party (GOP) by-elections, “the end of his political career !!!!”

After Republican Majority Leader in the United States Senate, Mitch McConnell, acknowledged Biden’s victory and urged members to avoid a dirty fight to pass the election, a White House aide handed lawmakers in Washington a graphic illustration showing that the Kentucky Republican had won his seventh term from Trump. Thank you.

Also contributing to this was the abundant appeal of Mr. Trump’s funds since Election Day. His electoral campaign announced that he had raised 207.5 million in two months. USD after the president’s defeat compared to the anemic fundraiser before the vote count began (compared to Biden).

In addition, Trump persuaded a group of conservative lawmakers to challenge the approval of the election results on Wednesday, which is usually a mere formality. Sen. Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri, said last week that he would join many House Republicans who had already planned to oppose the approval of ballots by the electoral college in several states where the most struggles were brewing. persistent. Texas State Senator Ted Cruz on Saturday led another group of 10 lawmakers calling for the postponement of Biden’s victory and other demands.

Joe bidenas

Joe bidenas

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Speaker on social media

The actions of Hawley, Cruz and others will force Republicans in Congress to officially endorse or reject Trump’s false claims of falsified demonstrations. Both J. Hawley and T. Cruz are mentioned as potential Republican candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

As soon as Trump leaves Washington, there is little doubt that Trump will turn his attention to Biden’s attack and his efforts to undermine his presidency.

While only time will tell whether such efforts will not be limited to inciting recordings on social media, the outgoing president is known for his ability to manipulate the media and attract attention with Twitter messages, even when they are blatantly false. He has focused the racist and economic grievances of whites on a successful presidential campaign and now that his hopes of being reelected have not materialized, he is likely to try to use the same cultural factors against the new president.

At Biden’s temporary headquarters, staff don’t actually discuss Trump’s efforts to sow discord. The battle against the coronavirus pandemic overshadowed all other problems during the presidential campaign, mitigating the effects of Trump’s mudslide, and Biden’s advisers hope that health and economic issues will remain a priority, both among lawmakers and among lawmakers. among voters.

“Aido kamera”

“Members of Congress have to deal with their constituencies in real time,” said former Senator Chris Dodd, Biden’s campaign adviser. – Most will refocus their efforts on results. The effort to create a so-called “echo chamber” where only criticism would sound does not strike me as a very good policy. “

Biden’s team believes there is evidence that Trump’s grip on American politics is already weakening. An example of this is the annual defense funding bill, which became law on Friday after the Senate joined the House of Representatives to reject Trump’s veto on the defense budget bill. .

Trump also tried unsuccessfully to pressure lawmakers to increase funding for Americans by passing a bill to revive the economy in pandemic crisis, which was approved by a large majority in Congress in December. The president eventually signed it, although his demands were not met, and only after damaging delay.

Furthermore, according to most of Biden’s advisers, Trump’s increasingly grotesque statements and his inability to acknowledge defeat are undermining his position in terms of short-term respect and long-term legacy.

The jokes already float

The president’s efforts to challenge the legitimacy of Biden’s electoral victory have been rejected by various courts around the country and have already become a joke to the people. The media highlights many false statements and mistakes by Trump and his team of lawyers, as well as individual views of senior officials, such as former United States Attorney General William Barro, who resigned in December after the Department of Justice. Justice had no evidence that the US elections were significantly faked.

D. Trump is already losing a lot of followers on his most important spokesperson, Twitter: More than 379,000 users left his account in December, according to During the same period, Mr. Biden acquired more than 2.6 million. new followers.

Overwhelmed by electoral conspiracy theories, Trump simply ignored a raging coronavirus pandemic: daily registrations of new cases, increased hospitalizations and deaths that have already crossed the 349,000 mark in the United States. While it could have ensured rapid and successful vaccine distribution under his administration’s Operation Warp Speed ​​program, its implementation falls far short of previous promises made by officials to vaccinate 20 million people by the end of 2020. people.

As a result, Trump’s efforts to control the coronavirus outbreak in the US have received even more criticism, and this huge gap may have led to the end of his presidency. On December 30, D. Trump replied that “the states have the task of distributing vaccines”, adding: “Move!”

Although. Biden and his advisers would like Trump to leave the central national scene when someone sees the bright side of the phenomenon. Trump is so toxic to Democrats of all stripes that he is unknowingly helping to unite a party that might otherwise be more open to political and political issues, such as the firing of the Biden administration in the White House, said a former Biden activist. asked not to reveal his name.

Biden himself predicted to his donors in early December that “when the shadow of Donald Trump dissipates, they will see a lot of change.” Biden predicted that a bipartisan spirit could be reborn in Washington.

At the same time, however, the president-elect acknowledged that “he may have to retract his words.” When asked a few weeks later whether Trump’s resignation would actually change the political climate, Biden responded much more cautiously. “We’ll see,” he said. – I do not know. I am not a sorcerer from the future. “
