Bloomberg: This is how Trump’s term ended disrespectfully


Trump went to his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where he would be before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. There, the former president will begin his life after the legislature, assisted, at least temporarily, by a handful of former White House officials.

The last president who decided not to attend his successor’s inauguration was Andrew Johnson in 1869. – another accused leader of the country. While Trump’s absence will end a more than century-long tradition that has emphasized a peaceful transfer of power to the United States, Biden said it was “even better” for Trump not to oversee his oath.

Biden arrived in Washington on Tuesday and was not greeted warmly by Trump, although the president-elect stayed at the Blair House across the street. All other living presidents, with the exception of Jimmy Carter, who is 96 years old, will join Biden at Arlington National Cemetery after his inauguration to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The outgoing president in Washington was ousted by all but the most loyal supporters after a deadly Jan.6 raid on Capitol Hill, fueled by Trump’s refusal to accept defeat and acknowledge Biden’s victory in the November election.

Unemployment is now more than a third higher than when he took office. An estimated 400,000 Americans will die of Covid-19 when Trump leaves the White House on Wednesday.

However, Trump left the door open for a second national policy action, driven by 74 million people who voted for his re-election, despite having failed to control the coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

However, after the elections and the Capitol riots, his popularity declined significantly. Various polls have shown that the number of Americans leaving office at a record low is, according to RealClearPolitics, an average of less than 40 percent. – appreciates your merits as president.

A recent Gallup poll of the Trump presidency said Monday was supported by 34 percent on Monday. – like the former Carters and George W. Bush, who ended their terms, leaving Americans frustrated by the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and the Gulf War.

Trump’s attempts in the final weeks of his term to show off his accomplishments, including the construction of the Mexican border and the withdrawal of US troops from the Middle East, have been overshadowed by the conflict over unrest. The violent assault on the Capitol killed five people and highlighted the dangers posed by the Trump campaign, which lasted for several weeks, during which the former president incited his supporters to fight for election results.

Three-quarters of Americans, including more than half of Republicans, say Trump bears some responsibility in the attack, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

Army involvement

Washington, left by D. Trump, today looks more like a military base than the seat of the oldest democracy in the world. Thousands of National Guard soldiers patrol the streets, and the Capitol, the White House, and large areas around them are fenced off to guard against another attack by supporters of D. Trump.

Nor can D. Trump himself escape from Washington permanently. Instead of enjoying the rest after shedding the burden of the presidency, he will eventually have to defend himself in the historic second impeachment in the Senate for inciting the Capitol riots.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama spent his first weeks of freedom sailing the Caribbean with British magnate Richard Branson.

The current turmoil is, by its very nature, fully in line with the presidential term, which has constantly tested the limits of normalcy and further strengthened the nation’s political and racial divisions. D. Trump’s ability to provoke the attack of his loyalists on Capitol with unsubstantiated electoral claims demonstrated that he, consciously or not, unleashed the dark forces that until then had existed on the margins of American life.

September 11 daily

Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic, which Trump largely ignored in trying to undo his electoral defeat, has escalated dramatically in the final weeks of his presidency.

The daily death toll in the United States since Covid-19 has exceeded 4,000 multiple times since the start of the new year; in other words, more Americans die every day than in 2001. September 11 terrorist attack. The country’s hospitals are overflowing with patients with the disease.

Trump argues that developing a coronavirus vaccine is one of his administration’s greatest accomplishments, but that vaccination is hampered by distribution failures and bureaucratic hurdles. With top officials promising to produce more than 100 million doses of the vaccine by the end of the year, only about 14 million doses were injected on Monday, according to the Bloomberg Vaccine Monitor.

Mr. Brief played down the accusations, as he did during the crisis, and threw them at governors, saying they are not vaccinating more people at a faster rate. “They call it a medical miracle,” Trump said of his administration’s efforts to develop the vaccine, speaking near his border segment in Alam, Texas, last week.

The new Biden administration will be responsible for speeding up vaccination and reviving an economy that is still ravaged by the closing of a pandemic. The president-elect said that 100 million people will receive a dose of the vaccine in the first 100 days of his term. The Trump administration scoffed at his promise by saying the United States already receives nearly 900,000 doses a day.

The number of unemployed has increased

At its peak, Trump’s economy had one of the strongest labor markets in decades. Unemployment was the lowest in 50 years, with more women, color, and the disabled employed.

Yet as a result of the pandemic, he is leaving almost twice as many unemployed as a year ago, and far more than when he took office: more than 10 million Americans are now out of work. As the pandemic subsides, people continue to lose their jobs.

In the week ending January 9, nearly 1 million applications were filed for state unemployment insurance, and more than a quarter of a million for a federal program targeting those who are not eligible for unemployment benefits, such as the independent workers.

The Covid-19 crisis has forced much of the country to try to pay its bills and put food on the table. According to a survey conducted by the Census Bureau in mid-December, nearly 30 million Americans reported that they sometimes or often did not eat enough, and more than 17 million questioned their ability to pay the next month’s rent.

Taken together, all of these data suggest that a pandemic that destroyed Trump’s reelection chances will also prove to be a major challenge for the Biden presidency.

Garden of heroes

D. Trump enters his new life after the White House angry at key figures in the political world who no longer want to deal with him after the Capitol riots. He has been disconnected from major social media platforms, including Twitter, which will undermine his ability to continue to attract people’s attention once he leaves the presidency.

Before leaving, the president issued some last minute orders. These include a lawsuit to create a sculpture garden for the people Trump calls American heroes, from presidents to game host Alex Trebek, and an order to deter government agencies from prosecuting regulatory violations. Mr. Biden may revoke both orders.

The Trump White House has even released a new history of the country’s founding, written by a commission appointed by Trump last year. The Martin Luther King Jr. report defends the slavery of the nation’s founders and argues that modern identity politics “creates new hierarchies just as unjust as the old southern hierarchy.”

This Tuesday he granted several pardons, although White House adviser Pat Cipollone refused to prepare a pardon for the president himself, his relatives or White House aides, say people familiar with the matter.

And so far, D. Trump has tried unsuccessfully to find a defense attorney for a future impeachment trial because some attorneys who represented him during the first impeachment no longer want to deal with him.

You have very little time to put together a team. The Senate may begin the trial shortly after January 20. Biden will assume the presidency.

If you are convicted, Congress can bar you from running for federal office again.
