Blood pressure largely depends on our actions: it is recommended to follow 5 rules


Sales of almost all over-the-counter medications to improve heart and blood circulation, including heart drops and hawthorn extract, increased in April and May. These medications are used to improve cardiovascular function, especially in the presence of nervous tension.

In fact, during the quarantine period, we have more buyers who want to buy heart drops or other preparations to reduce nerve tension as well as blood pressure. Sales of these drugs are declining as the weather normally warms up. Improving the climate, more frequent sunlight naturally suppresses stress and improves mood, but this spring we had an exceptional situation: the threat of the coronavirus and the ongoing quarantine, anxiety about work and the health of beings Dear ones put a lot of pressure on the population. Many people, especially the elderly, have experienced more or less stress. This tension did not increase their well-being during the quarantine, both mentally and physically, “says M. Lukštaraupis.

Marius Lukštaraupis

Marius Lukštaraupis

© Photo of the organizers

Stress is especially dangerous for people with high blood pressure.

Circulatory systems and heart disease remain the leading cause of death in Lithuania. According to preliminary data from the Institute of Hygiene, these diseases accounted for more than half (55%) of deaths last year. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases due to many factors, the BENU pharmacist names those that we can control by changing our lifestyle:

1. Stress and depression: Nervous tension can cause heart problems, increased levels of “stress” hormones in the blood that cause vascular spasms.

2. High blood pressure: complicates the work of the heart, damages the blood vessels.

3. Immobility: can cause obesity, which increases the amount of fat in the blood and impairs the regulation of blood pressure.

4. Obesity and overeating: complicates the work of the heart and muscles, increases blood pressure, damages blood vessels faster.

5. Alcohol consumption and smoking: weakens cardiac function and affects the development of hypertension.

“It is not difficult to notice that there is a vicious circle: stress, immobility increase blood pressure and high blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease.” Medications for the heart and blood circulation help regulate blood pressure and control anxiety. At the same time, however, I urge you not to forget about your lifestyle: changing it can significantly improve your well-being, ”says pharmacist BENU.



M. Lukštaraupis points out that medicines should not be abused. Heart drops and hawthorn extract are based on ethyl alcohol and should be used as directed in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. The usual dose of these preparations in the first days is 20-30 drops diluted with a small amount of water, 3-4 times a day. Thereafter, the dose should be halved and taken no more than 2-3 times a day. It is always recommended to speak to your pharmacist or doctor.

“It is important to know that hawthorn has a greater effect when used for a longer period of time, at least 2 months. Therefore, I would recommend choosing it in capsule or tablet form,” advises the pharmacist.

Tips for adjusting your blood pressure

To adjust your blood pressure, you should check your usual daily rhythm and what you usually put on your plate. During the quarantine, the mobility of many has decreased, so now that the weather has warmed up, it is a great opportunity to spend more time outdoors and move around. For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to walk at a fast pace of at least 3 km or 30 minutes every day. engage in moderate intensity physical activity. And it should become a constant habit: Active sports in youth don’t protect against heart disease in old age if you stop moving.

“Physical activity helps normalize body weight, and being outdoors improves well-being and mood. Easy training or walking before bed helps calm down, reduce nervous tension and control stress, while at the same time regulating blood pressure, “says BENU pharmacist M. Lukštaraupis about the benefits of mobility.

People with hypertension (high blood pressure) are encouraged to reduce or stop drinking alcohol and not to smoke. It is advisable to enrich the diet with products that are good for the heart and blood circulation.

Blood pressure largely depends on our actions: it is recommended to follow 5 rules

“Antioxidants, which are important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reduce cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamins E and C, as well as Selenium has the strongest antioxidant properties. To obtain these trace elements, raw leafy vegetables, grains and nuts must be included in the daily diet. Season of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries begins, so enjoy strawberries, blueberries , blackcurrants, tomatoes, cabbage, are rich in vitamin C. You will get selenium with chicken, cereals, fish or two Brazil nuts a day.

Available with marine fish such as mackerel, cod, salmon, hake, herring, and others, Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial to the heart and circulatory system. However, Lithuanians eat little fresh fish, so experts often recommend consuming fish oil.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

“Don’t forget the food for the heart. Potassium and magnesium are important trace elements for cardiac work. Potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure, regulates heart rate and magnesium protects the walls of blood vessels, can help prevent cardiovascular disease. You will enrich your body with potassium by eating bananas, potatoes, prunes, raisins, tomatoes and walnuts. Magnesium can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, bread, other grain products, walnuts, “advises M. Lukštaraupis.

Regular preventive health checks also help take care of health. At age 40, preventive health checks are also recommended when you feel well and don’t complain about your health.

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