Blinkevičiūtė on the conservative-presidential dispute: any border crossed


The MEP says that the conservatives’ desire to somehow limit the powers of the elected president of the Lithuanian people due to her representation on the EVS is completely incomprehensible.

“It just came to our attention then. Who can stop the President of Lithuania from going to EVS? I can’t imagine such a thing. More damage is done when faced in this way and problems are not solved,” V. Blinkevičiūtė told Eltai.

The politician does not support such a style of communication with the president of the country, when the objective is to limit the powers of the president, to belittle him.

“When I look at the ruling majority, especially the conservatives, as they interact with the elected president of the Lithuanian people, I have never agreed and will never agree. Sometimes it seems to me that conservatives have always been like this: if a man , let’s say, it is not on their side, then it is necessarily bad, you have to look for enemies, belittle it in some way. For people in the state to feel good, all governments must agree and work together, regardless of certain differences of attitudes ”, says V. Blinkevičiūtė.

According to the MEP, the joint work of the rulers and President G. Nausėda would bring more benefits to Lithuania.

“It just came to our attention then. I support the president and his ambition to create a welfare state in our country. In other words, we should all have equal access to the health system, the education system, the social security system, so that the situation has changed in a positive way, to reduce income inequality. It consists of the welfare state. Some may say that it is a utopia, but I say that it is really possible. Only that this requires time on the one hand and political will on the one hand. the other. But now I don’t see it from the ruling side, “says V. Blinkevičiūtė, former Minister of Social Security and Labor.

I sympathize with I. Šimonytė, who did not expect the Government to be like a kindergarten

Evaluating the activities of the Ingrida Šimonytė government, V. Blinkevičiūtė says that some members of the Cabinet of Ministers came to power “completely unprepared”. According to her, the government’s chaotic communication is only a consequence, as some ministers lack experience and wisdom.

V. Blinkevičiūtė recalled that at the beginning of the legislature the rulers announced that their government would be different and better than that of the “peasants”, but now, according to the MEP, time has passed and the real situation can be assessed.

“It was promised that it would be a different government, so now I can say that it is different in different ways, only that otherness does not mean that it is better, it solves problems better. Anaiptol. Unfortunately, the activities of I. Šimonytė’s own government showed that it was not prepared, ”says V. Blinkevičiūtė.

The politician emphasizes that managing the pandemic situation would be a challenge for any government, but the daily activities of I. Šimonytė’s cabinet testify that work is not stagnant.

“We just realized that everyone was criticizing this government for its communication. I was stuck on words when the prime minister said she was not doing anything else, just for the fifth month in a row on communication. It means: Prime Minister, you don’t have to fight back, you have to sit down and solve the problem. I see insults, completely unnecessary emotions. It’s too short a time to talk about the fact that if someone doesn’t like it, here it is, grab and choose another power. That cannot be the case ”, is convinced V. Blinkevičiūtė.

In his opinion, the root of the problem may be due to the inexperience of some people in office.

“I sympathize with I. Šimonytė, it is a difficult time and I think she really hoped that the members of the Government were not kindergartens. That every minister will need, say, “shepherding.” It’s extremely difficult for me to oversee them all for a prime minister. Especially since the same government, as the ruling majority, is made up of representatives of three different parties, and apparently each of those representatives wants to be the first to stand out, to appear, to take the air, to comment on something good without thinking. not at all about the consequences of the statement. “

According to her, some ministers have simply not reached the level of ministers, “it is simply not yet the time for them to become ministers.”

“And it seems to me that there is no communication and understanding between the ministers that everyone has to sit at a common table, discuss, exchange available information and make decisions that are necessary for the Lithuanian people. This is not the case. Why? I think due to lack of experience and wisdom, I cannot evaluate otherwise, “V. Blinkevičiūtė told Eltai.

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