Biden’s first speech in Congress included hints about relations with Russia and a warning.


Speaking in a session of both houses of Congress on the eve of the centennial of his presidency, Biden focused on the large investments planned in the country, but also told lawmakers that democracy must show that it works.

“We are competing with China and other countries to win the 21st century,” Biden said, warning: “Autocrats believe that democracies cannot compete.”

He said in his first two-hour telephone conversation after the inauguration with Chinese President Xi Jinping that he said: “We welcome competition and do not seek conflict.”

“But I made it very clear that we would defend the interests of the United States,” Biden said. “The United States will oppose unfair business practices that harm American workers and industry, such as subsidies to state-owned companies and the theft of American technology and intellectual property.”

“I also told President Xi that we would maintain a large military contingent in the India-Pacific region, as well as [laikome] NATO [pajėgas] In Europe, not to start a conflict, but to avoid it, “Biden said. His remarks on measures to combat the pandemic were accompanied by applause from an unusually small audience.

Deviating from the text of the previously prepared speech, Biden said he had worked extensively with Xi Jinping when both were vice presidents and warned that the most powerful Chinese leader in many years had big plans for the future.

“He is terribly anxious about it [Kinija] become the most important country in the world, “said the President of the United States.

Tensions between the United States and China have risen dramatically in recent years, with Washington staunchly opposing China’s military moves and expressing concern over the human rights situation in China, including what the United States calls the genocide of the Uighur minority. .

Focus on collaboration

The speech marks a departure from the militant nationalism of Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.

The new president has repeatedly mentioned global cooperation. “There is no wall so high that it does not allow the virus,” Biden said, referring to the border defended by Trump on the Mexican border.

Biden also said he did not seek to escalate tensions with Russian leader Vladimir Putin after a series of sanctions were announced for Moscow out of concern.

During his three months in office, Biden announced sanctions against Russia for poisoning Kremlin critic Alexei Navaln, suspected of interference in the US elections and cyberattacks.

However, Biden also offered a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in a third country to stabilize relations, and in his speech on Wednesday outlined cooperation on climate change and the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), the latest nuclear weapons pact between former Cold War opponents – an extension.

“I made it very clear to Putin that we are not seeking escalation, but his actions have consequences,” Biden said in his speech to Congress.

Based on George W. Bush’s notion of the “axis of evil” that he attacked nearly two decades ago in his annual report, Biden promised diplomacy over the “serious threat” posed by the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea.

“We will work closely with our allies, through diplomacy and strong deterrence, to address the threats posed by both countries,” Biden said.

In Vienna, the United States is indirectly negotiating with Iran to return to an agreement signed between Iran and six world powers to limit Tehran’s nuclear program. The United States withdrew from this agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), under Trump.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is reviewing its policy toward North Korea, in respect of which Trump has conducted unusual personal diplomacy that has included three meetings with the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un.

Promising American leadership, Biden also said he would confirm American priorities and end the “eternal war” in Afghanistan, from which all American troops will withdraw 20 years later.
