Biden “introduced” himself to foreign leaders: he will seek to distance himself from Trump’s policy


Munich Security Conference: Practically. This is the first international political event to feature the debut of the new President of the United States, Joe Biden. His statements are forceful and focused on working with Europe, seeking to regain European confidence. It’s clear that Biden is looking to distance himself from Donald Trump’s four-year policy.

America is back. The transatlantic alliance is back. And we won’t look back Together, we will look forward, “said US President Jo Biden.

This message is welcomed by the G7 leaders.

“America has come back unreservedly as a free world leader. It is a fantastic thing,” said British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

“Much remains to be done, but Germany is ready to launch a new chapter in the transatlantic partnership,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Biden’s determination to strengthen ties with Europe is also welcomed by the NATO secretary general and the president of France, who spoke more than a year ago about brain death in NATO.

“I believe in NATO, but I believe that NATO needs a new political impetus. It is also about perfecting strategic ideas,” said Emmanuel Macron, president of France.

“We have a historic opportunity to strengthen the alliance, regain trust and consolidate our unity. Europe and North America will work together strategically and in solidarity,” said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

At the security conference, Biden also stated that Europe and the United States must work together to counter the threat from China and Russia.

„V. Putin seeks to weaken the European project and the NATO alliance. He wants to undermine transatlantic unity and our resolve. “It is much easier for the Kremlin to mock individual states and threaten them than to negotiate with a strong and closely knit transatlantic community,” he said.

G7 leaders welcomed Biden’s decision to return to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, not withdraw from the World Health Organization and allocate $ 4 billion to a global vaccination program.
