Berlin’s Arab clans are uncomfortable: Russia’s “guests” are arriving at their properties.


In the parallel world of Berlin criminals, there is a fierce competitive fight. Chechen gangsters challenged the Arab clans. Competing for millionaire profits from drug trafficking, prostitution and extortion. There is a struggle for supremacy in the streets of the city, for the redistribution of the zones of influence in the most marginal district of Berlin, Noikeln.

“It wrinkles my face with worry lines,” admitted Noikeln deputy mayor Falco Liecke in an introvert to Cicero magazine last November.

Gangsters of Lebanese origin, who have been active in the German capital for 30 years and have become not only an integral part of reality here, but also heroes of the television series “Blocks” with terrible charm, now they are forced to defend their positions against militant Caucasian men.

The heads of the Arab clans are in vain self-satisfied, they show off luxury limousines, buy villas in posh Berlin neighborhoods, willingly interview the media and hire the most expensive lawyers in the country, and they look involved in endless disputes, “says the person in charge of this criminal world.” editor Josef Hufelschulte. And Chechens, he said, on the contrary, are trying to remain anonymous, “thirsty for action, brutal and determined to expand their influence.”

Chechen gangs, which began operating in Berlin less than a decade ago, were originally “criminal service providers”: they ordered extortion and blackmail of others, according to the capital’s criminal police. But now the situation is changing.

Putin deliberately hooked people from Chechen criminal clans around his neck. This is a proven destructive measure, like that in an old KGB textbook.

High Security Representative of the Federal Government

To these archaic types, Arabs seem decadent and flabby

A clan expert from Berlin’s 412th Criminal Police Commissariat predicts the future of the capital’s criminal world: “Chechens want quick money too. In the eyes of these archaic types, luxury Arabs who drive luxury cars are decadent and faded. Soon the Chechens will take over. They already have control of the drug market. “

Last November, a competitive battle broke out in the streets of Noikeln: in one weekend, Chechens attacked members of the Arab Remmo clan four times. One of these bloody clashes took place on Sun Avenue (Sonnenallee), just a hundred meters from the police station. Recordings of the brutal scenes were soon posted online, perhaps as a warning to the Arab clans.

The Arab clans of Berlin are uncomfortable: the

One log shows dozens of masked assailants armed with telescopic sticks, knives and metal bars attacking men of the Remmo clan who drank tea and smoked tea at the kiosk. Eleven people were injured in the attack and three were found in the hospital with serious head injuries.

In another video, a knife is stabbed in the back as a defenseless man runs down the sidewalk. In another, the ten-man force pulls passengers out of a Porsche Cayenne and kicks them like a frenzy.

“Never make such a mistake, don’t you dare beat Chechnya!”

The Berlin police leadership told the capital’s Tagesspiegel daily that it feared similar clashes would not escalate into full-blown gang wars. Chechens living in the federal states of Brandenburg and Saxony are said to have immediately announced on social media that they would rush to help the “brothers” in Berlin. It is very reminiscent of the recent clashes between Chechen and Arab gangs that rocked the Dijon suburbs for four days in June.

The Arab clans of Berlin are uncomfortable: the

After the Moroccans beat and seriously injured a 16-year-old Chechen man with a knife in the French city of Dijon, they accompanied him with the words: “We leave you alive to tell the others that we will do the same with everyone as well,” about 200 axes gathered to take revenge on the boy, compatriots from France, Belgium and Germany armed with knives and firearms.

“One of us was attacked. We never resorted to the police. We solve the matter ourselves. Never make a mistake like that, don’t you dare defeat Chechnya!” – Chechen leader Rasoul Timirguiriev commented on the campaign of revenge against the television cameras.

For organized crime investigators, Chechen criminal gangs are a tough nut to crack due to “their extraordinary concentration”. Furthermore, “they have a strict sanction system and extremely close formal and informational interregional ties,” says the Berlin Land Criminal Police Service (LKA). All of this is compounded by “a very strong concept of honor, a willingness to resort quickly to violence and weapons, and a low degree of recognition of state authority.”

The fact that they are chasing a famous Arab family to their four borders in Noikeln shows that they will not shy away from fighting in the streets for lucrative areas of the organized crime business.

Benjaminas Jendro

The Arab clans of Berlin are uncomfortable: the

Power relations will change, in favor of Chechens

Caucasians are known as hardcore fighters. Older men who had been granted political asylum in Germany were still at war between 1994 and 1996. In Chechnya’s war against the Russian army. The younger ones fought in part as jihadists in Iraq and Syria.

Physical strength is more important to them than anything else. Almost every young man trains as a boxer or as a fighter. According to Focus, even under coronavirus conditions, members of the vague Regime 95 association remain active. Since all the sports studios in Berlin are closed, they train in the old garage. These are men for whom combat readiness and testing are an integral part of their education, ”says Benjamin Jendro, director of the Berlin Police Union (GdP).

“The fact that they are chasing a famous Arab family to their four borders in Noikeln shows that they will not shy away from fighting in the streets for lucrative organized crime deals,” he told the Tagesspiegel daily.

Berlin Police Chief Commissioner Barbara Slowik also believes that further escalation in the streets will not be prevented. And Chechen expert Christian Osthold is convinced that in Berlin’s criminal world, “power relations will change”, in favor of Chechens.

The Arab clans of Berlin are uncomfortable: the

Russian secret services shot two bunnies at once

There are currently about 50,000 Chechens living in the Federal Republic, mainly in Berlin, Hamburg and the Ruhr area. It is understandable that only a small proportion of them belong to criminal structures. In 2019, the Federal Criminal Police Service constantly inspected 200 Chechens. One in three of them has been identified as a fanatic Islamist ready for violence, Focus reports.

It’s perfectly understandable that after the Russia-Chechnya war, which claimed 30,000 civilian casualties, people were in a hurry to leave all misery and seek refuge in the West, says Dietmar Schuman, a former correspondent for the German public broadcaster ZDF in Moscow. . Yet it is strange that more than a decade after the end of the war, so many Chechens suddenly applied for political asylum in Germany. In 2013 alone, there were 14,000 such requests.

To the knowledge of the federal government, behind all this lies an intentional plan of the Russian secret service, the FSB. The Federal Intelligence Service and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution learned from the refugees and from information obtained on the spot that FSB agents had deliberately motivated rebellious Chechen extended families to go to Germany, spreading stories of enrichment: 4 hectares of land begin settlement at the bank.

Using this misinformation, two bunnies were shot in one go. One, get rid of Chechen rebels and criminals (if necessary, the FSB even provided them with new identity documents), and second, the FSB arranged that fighting-hardened Caucasians could damage public order in Germany and cause riots there.

“Putin has deliberately hit people from the Chechen criminal clans around our necks. It is a proven destructive measure, like that of an old KGB textbook,” Focus said, citing a senior federal government security official.

The Arab clans of Berlin are uncomfortable: the

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