Berlin suspends vaccination of people under 60 with AstraZeneca vaccine due to new data on side effects –


The German capital Berlin stopped vaccinating people under the age of 60 with the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 on Tuesday when there were more reports of blood clots in people who had been vaccinated with the vaccine.


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Berlin is temporarily blocking the vaccination of people under 60 with AstraZeneca. Photo by EPA-ELTA

“We are temporarily stopping the vaccination of people under 60 with AstraZeneca,” said Dilek Kalayci, Berlin’s health minister, based on new data on side effects.

The woman added that this is just a “precautionary measure” while the city awaits official recommendations from federal health authorities.

Spiegel reported Tuesday that German drug regulator Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) has reported 31 blood clots in people who have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca.

Almost all the cases involve young and middle-aged women, and this has led several German hospitals to stop vaccinating women under 55 this week.

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