Belgium blocks vaccination of under-55s with AstraZeneca


The cessation of vaccination with this vaccine in people aged 18 to 55 is based on “the latest scientific advice,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement.

He adds that people in that age group will be offered BioNTech / Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 benefits outweigh the risks of side effects, the European Medicines Agency said on Wednesday. However, the EEA Pharmacovigilance Expert Committee (PRAC) recognized that blood clots in vaccinated people should be considered a very rare side effect.

After EVA announced that in very rare cases, the AstraZeneca vaccine could cause blood clots, the Lithuanian Ministry of Health also presented its position. According to Minister Arūnas Dulkis, no risk has been identified for men, only for women under the age of 60, but it is very rare. Vaccination with this vaccine will continue.
