Belarusian opposition: the whole country speculates on where Lukashenko has disappeared


Belarusian opposition leader Olga Karach, director of the Nash Dom Center for Civic Initiatives, believes it may be due to the fact that Alexander Lukashenko has recently disappeared and the conference is a way to divert attention from the “disappearance” of the president. . Karachi speculates that Lukashenko is seriously ill. He spoke about this with journalists from the Russian opposition channel Dozh.

“I would like to draw your attention to the general background as to why this conference was held so unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, Ramanas Pratasevičius also appeared there. The conference was not announced in advance. It has already happened that all of Belarus is speculating where Aliaksandr has disappeared. Lukashenko in recent days. He did not even appear in hockey competitions and other important events, “said O. Karač.

According to her, the information and photos published on the Telegram channel Pul pergovo, which is associated with Lukashenko, also do not match.

“We look at all the photos published with Pul Pergovo, everything is quite enigmatic. When you start comparing photos and the route, it turns out that he has recently been no more than 10 km from his residence in the town of Alexandria. Everything Pul pergovo has been posting lately is not convincing in my opinion. I think he’s very sick, “he said.

He also commented on the information released by BYPOL that the detainee Pratasevičius may have been beaten by Lukashenko himself.

The woman does not believe that the authoritarian Belarusian leader visited him.

‘TO. Lukashenko does not consider R. Pratasevičius a competitor. “Of all that Lukashenko could do, Nikolai Statkevich (Belarusian opposition activist – ed.) Could have been, not Pratasevic,” he said.

According to Karach, Lukashenko is more likely to be shown filmed images of the beatings.

“We have received information that the tuple of a dictator has arrived at the Detention Center. Given the usurper’s revenge and his sadistic inclinations, it was not a surprise that a man, believing himself president, could go to the interrogation isolator to interact with a detainee who, according to the authorities, participated in the organization of the protests. Our experts in the field of forensic medicine say that there are enough signs in the video material mentioned above, according to which it can be said that R. Pratasevičius has a broken nose It goes without saying that R. Pratasevičius needed an examination by a specialist in a narrow field, whose isolator is not in the medical department, ”wrote BYPOL activists.

According to them, R. Pratasevičius did not receive medical assistance in Minsk medical institutions. “R. Pratasevičius was not taken to the medical institutions of the city of Minsk. However, information from two unrelated sources suggests that Raman was examined in a detention center by a specialist from the Republican Medical Center of the Board of Affairs President of the Republic of Belarus. His status and the fact that he was not allowed to meet with the lawyer with whom the agreement was concluded for a long time. In addition, we received information that Lukashenko himself had broken the nose of a journalist in custody, “reported BYPOL Telegram.

Delphi recalls that Belarusian opposition blogger R. Pratasevičius unexpectedly appeared at a press conference organized by the Belarusian authorities on Monday and assured him that he was fine and asked not to spread rumors about his health.

“I have arrest marks on my hands because the agents were not wearing handcuffs. (…) Regarding my health problems, I have heard many liars about my health. very good mood, ”said R. Pratasevičius.

He said he had no complaints, assured that no one had abused him or used force against him, and asked the media not to spread more rumors.

“I would ask you not to spread any more rumors, because Sofia (Sapega – BNS) and my parents, who are in Poland, are suffering as a result. Sirs, think about how your mother would react if you were in such a situation and someone told you that her son had been beaten, even though it was a lie, ”said R. Pratasevičius.

R. Pratasevičius, who flew from Athens to Vilnius in a plane, together with others, founded the Belarusian opposition channel Nexta on the Telegram platform, which Minsk considers an extremist, and his friend, Sofia, a Russian citizen studying in Vilnius, was detained at Minsk Airport on May 23.

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