Belarus celebrated without defending itself against the coronavirus: why are fans of the regime happy?


A military parade on May 9 in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to commemorate the so-called Victory Day gathered crowds of people.

It is true that, despite the 75th anniversary, they were noticeably smaller than in previous years. According to the Belarusian Interior Ministry, around 15,000 people watched the parade outside. For comparison, in 2017 there were 250,000 viewers, and in 2015, even about 600,000.

However, Belarusian leader Aliaksandr Lukashenko and his fans continue to repeat the myth that there is no virus threat, just mass panic. There are also fans in Lithuania. Famous Algimantas Lebionka conspiracy theorist.

What a lie

In late April, he spread conspiracy theories that Lukashenko was trying to point out to the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Monetary Fund and “other globalist money laundering organizations,” including “Zionists seeking to seize the wealth of the Belarusian people “.

The registry, which has now received tens of thousands of visits, states that Belarus has allegedly shown that the virus and the disease it causes are just hysteria, so Lukashenko wiped the nose of anyone who “has been added to his pants.” due to coronavirus.

“And the Belarusians staged a parade and wiped their neighbors’ noses who added them to their pants because of the crown. Belarus and its president, Alexander Lukashenko, are a litmus test of the COVID-19” pandemic “as a mix of 10% virus and 90% hysteria.

This coronavirus was made and spread so that the money’s hosts could rob the nations of the world, drown them in a swamp of debt, and then buy the assets in half. We are going to be “vaccinated” with nanochip vaccines and become slaves in an electronic concentration camp created by Gates and Soros. ”

This coronavirus was made and spread so that the money’s hosts could rob the nations of the world, drown them in a swamp of debt, and then buy the assets in half. We are going to be “vaccinated” with nanochip vaccines and become slaves in an electronic concentration camp created by Gates and Soros. ”

, – assured A. Lebionka.

The conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is simply artificially created to benefit or rob the nations of the world and to be vaccinated with microscopic vaccines has often been ridiculed and denied. However, the claims about the supposedly innocent and harmless pandemic and the “composition” of the virus itself deserve special attention. And this can be answered even by the official statistics of Belarus.

According to the latest data, the number of cases of coronavirus infection in Belarus increased from 933 to 23,906 per day, which was confirmed by the country’s Ministry of Health on Monday.

During the entire period of spread of the infection in the territory of the country, 135 patients died with various chronic diseases who were diagnosed with coronavirus ”. Since the beginning of February, 274,060 coronavirus tests have been carried out in Belarus.

Since May 10 alone, new cases of coronavirus in Belarus have increased by almost 2,000, and since last week, more than 7.2 thousand have been reported. new cases AND while in many European countries strict quarantine measures have reduced the number of cases per day, in Belarus the number has steadily increased, from a few dozen confirmed cases per day to a few hundred in April, and the first week of May showed about 800 new cases per day. and outpatient treatment currently exceeds 17,000. patients infected with coronavirus.

Belarus celebrated without defending itself against the coronavirus: why are fans of the regime happy?

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The first case in Belarus was confirmed in early March. In comparison, Belarus has more people with coronaviruses than the largest population in Poland (16,000) and Ukraine (more than 15,000), although the latter countries have higher official mortality statistics.

The “successful” measures against Belarus against the coronavirus are based not only on Lukashenko’s will: he had previously publicly ridiculed the coronavirus and offered to treat it with a sauna, vodka, and a tractor, but also on the plight in Belarus, which was not mentioned by the President. He said he could announce strict quarantine measures at any time, but that the country would have nothing to live for.

“Quarantine, curfew, etc. Listen, everything is simple, we will do it in a few days. And what will we eat? On April 7, a day after the first rehearsal of the military parade, Lukashenko firmly reiterated his position. He was also free to interpret the World Health Organization’s warnings to Belarus.

“We are seeing the results of the policy of stopping the spread of the epidemic in Belarus, preserving the functioning of the health care system. A pandemic can deplete the resources of the system, as we have seen in many states. Belarus is no exception.

Many countries were ready, they had stocks, but they were not enough, with a sudden increase in severe cases, “he said at a press conference in Minsk on April 11. said Patrick O’Connor, head of the WHO mission. Some Days later, Mr. Lukashenko translated this to his country’s ministers when WHO praised Belarus that it was coping well.

Belarus celebrated without defending itself against the coronavirus: why are fans of the regime happy?

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The Ministry of Health admits that the country has around 2.7 thousand. Lung Fans: Dozens of people have needed them “until now,” but how much “so far” will continue if the number of “acute respiratory infections” continues to grow at such an exponential rate, no one dares speculate. According to Health Minister V. Karanikas, every effort is being made to isolate the foci of infection as soon as possible: all persons who have been in contact with infected persons have been subjected to rigorous testing.

A survey by research firm Satio in March showed that, even if there is no official quarantine in the country, 48 percent. Belarusians admitted to avoiding mass meeting places. Even 70 percent. More than half of the respondents were in favor of banning public events, more than half were in favor of closing educational institutions and working from home.


The number of coronavirus infections detected in Belarus has increased to 23,906

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