Before the elections – a fierce struggle of politicians: after Matul’s statements, Veryga made public information about the wife of the parliamentarian


“It just came to our attention then. For a long time, I fought against a very arbitrary arbitrariness by including and reimbursing drugs in the reimbursable drug list, according to which only the cheapest drug is reimbursed. I appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania and won The court recognized that by establishing such procedure, A. Veryga exceeded his authority, ”wrote A. Matulas on Facebook.

According to him, 54 members of the Seimas appealed to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania in relation to a government resolution approving the same procedure as the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania. The Constitutional Court has accepted the case and is awaiting a decision.

“Until then, the Ministry of Health has always expressed its intention to include as many active substances as possible on the list of reimbursable drugs. But here in the newly approved 2020 July 1 and October 1. In the drug price lists, there were no longer 47 popular, necessary and often prescribed drugs for people against various diseases, the active substances of which were no longer in the price list. How long can this last when the treatment is obviously taken over by verygos? How much will it cost for doctors and people’s health to change and balance treatment with other drugs? ”, Wrote A. Matulas.

Veryga soon reacted

A. Veryga, mentioned in the minutes, promptly responded to the politician’s statements.

“A member of the Seimas says his patience has run out. Strange. How can it end what never happened? Or is it another attempt to appear before the election? Still, I have to admit it to someone, but for me, patience really ran out.

Why? This is because some members of the opposition, especially Seimas’ colleague Antanas Matulas, are behaving inappropriately in the public sphere by spreading disinformation about the Ministry of Health (SAM) and defame their employees. Not only that, his constant comments are malicious, inciting hatred and intolerance, ”wrote A. Veryga on Facebook.

Peasant Green suggested looking at a colleague’s long-term behavior.

“First, questions arise, maybe a colleague is a liar and a coward, and his behavior is influenced by the recent past? Here, for example, he began his tenure by forcing me to recruit his wife for high-level positions in the ministry. Unable to recruit his spouse to a high position (not vice minister, counselor, attaché, or head of unit), he began a permanent entanglement against the Ministry and its staff. As far as I know, his wife later got a job in an office in a warm position of assistant principal.

Also, the question is, does the colleague understand the label and what is it? After all, he heads the Seimas Ethics and Procedures Committee, whose head must set an impeccable example, especially in terms of communication. Not only for the members of the Seimas, but also for other officials. Is only that person a suitable candidate to lead such an important commission?

Or maybe a colleague is a liar or his memory is very short? I remember you. In the last elections, in his party program, he and his parties promised voters to reduce the number of hospital beds to the point of having to close ALL district and regional hospitals, which is how they promised to reform the health system. Paradoxically, this member of the Seimas was one of the most active obstacles to avoid any decision related to the reorganization of medical institutions, which would have made it possible not only to preserve all the country’s medical institutions, strengthen them, but also avoid current interruptions in the provision of medical care. personal.

Or maybe a colleague is a coward? Perhaps that is why he refused to support measures to reduce alcohol consumption four years ago, although he promised to implement similar measures with the parties himself a couple of legislatures ago. So what happened? Did you run away or did you have any interest? ”Wrote A. Veryga.

He noted that in approving the budget for the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (PSDF) last year, the co-conservatives and their colleague A. Matulu criticized the “excessive” reserve. Now they are writing to make sure that institutions, whether they provide services or not, receive 1/12, which is paid for with that “excessive” reserve.

“So how do you get it? You didn’t need a reservation a year ago, but now okay, who is he? Obvious inconsistency. You also notice that a member of the Seimas, instead of defending the interests of patients and educating them about the rational use of medicines, lies publicly and provides scientifically based information, that is, it spreads misinformation.

Is this dilettantism? Or perhaps a colleague represents the interests of certain pharmaceutical companies that have been fined hundreds of millions outside of Lithuania for obstructing competition in the pharmaceutical market, and it is he who does his job in Lithuania? Among other things, the decisions of the patient representative, V. Augustinienė, also approved the decisions on changes in the procedure for prescribing medicines at the meeting of the Commission for the Reimbursement of Medicines and Medical Aids, ”wrote A. Veryga.

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