Before the commissioning of the Astrava power plant, public interest in iodine preparations increased Business


Laura Bielskė, communication director of Eurovaistinė, says that three times more potassium iodide tablets were purchased at Eurovaistinė in Vilnius in July compared to June.

“Pharmacists say they are getting questions about the use of iodine in the event of a nuclear accident, and the population is looking for drugs.

Pharmacists say they are receiving questions about the use of iodine in the event of a nuclear accident and residents are searching for drugs.

Potassium iodide tablets often appear in a home pharmacy because they are known as a means of protection during a nuclear accident, ”says L. Bielskė.

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

Reuters / Photo by Scanpix / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

International media report that Belarus promises to start up the Astrava nuclear power plant tomorrow Friday, but Lithuania has not received official confirmation.

Free parts of the Vilnius city municipality

The Vilnius City Municipality plans to start distributing potassium iodide tablets for free to residents next week.

The order signed by Povilas Poderskis, director of the municipal administration of the city of Vilnius, at the end of July, establishes that the municipal health institutions subordinate to the municipality are instructed and others are recommended to issue electronic prescriptions for stable iodine preparations to all enrolled patients.

Vilnius City Municipality 15 minutes informed that it is still being decided how to distribute the iodine preparations received from the Ministry of Health (SAM) – through pharmacies or other channels.

SAM Photo / The Ministry had commissioned 4 million. iodine tablets

SAM Photo / The Ministry had commissioned 4 million. iodine tablets

SAM previously reported that it had also transferred potassium iodide tablets to the Vilnius and Švenčionys district municipalities.

Jolanta Gulbinovič, Head of the Public and International Division of the Vilnius District Municipality 15 minutes He claimed that iodide tablets had already been distributed to 3 elderly people within the 30-kilometer protection zone: Buivydžiai, Lavoriškės and Kalveliai. All residents received a two-day dose.

Iodine preparations are still distributed to other elders. The elderly, the employees of the elderly, who carry the pills to the residents’ homes, were used to distribute the tablets.

Photo from personal archive / Jolanta Gulbinovič

Photo from personal archive / Jolanta Gulbinovič

“If you were not at home or did not want to take it at the time, you can apply to the nursing home and pick it up,” said J. Gulbinovič.

Consumption must be reported by the state

Health professionals emphasize that in incidents such as a nuclear accident, iodine tablets should be used only in accordance with state recommendations.

“During a nuclear disaster, it is announced on television or radio that the population should start taking potassium iodide tablets. It is definitely not recommended to make that decision on your own or preventively, ”says Jovita Juodsnukytė, Eurovaistinė pharmacist.

Even in the event of an accident, it is important to know that people who are allergic to iodine, with severe illnesses or with kidney failure, should consult a doctor before taking iodine. Pregnant and lactating women should also be consulted by a specialist, and potassium iodide tablets can be used for them, but the dosage must be determined by a specialist.

The recommendations for use are established by the SAM

According to J.Juodsnukytė, the recommendations for potassium iodide in emergencies are published by SAM, but for a healthy adult (12 years and older) it is generally recommended to take two tablets, and the duration of use is determined by SAM. Drinking for longer or prophylactically is not recommended.

The pharmacist points out that potassium iodide should be taken immediately after the report, since the effect of “good” iodine is reduced after 12 hours, since radioactive iodine takes up space in the thyroid gland, and after a day, take tablets no longer make sense.

In the event of a nuclear accident, it is important to note that potassium iodide tablets only protect against radioactive iodine, but not against other radioactive substances released into the environment in the event of a nuclear accident, so it is important to note other recommendations even after taking the recommended dose.

Experts note that only potassium iodide is used as a safeguard during a nuclear incident, not to be confused with iodine drops or iodine-containing dietary supplements.
