before his death he ran out of water in the COVID-19 unit, paying for an escort to the bathroom


“I would consider for a long time if this story is worth sharing, because in my case nothing will change … But the idea that it can change other cases, it can change the existence of other people, it can change the concept of humanity where one profession seems unimaginable, it can change the attitude of a person where he feels weak and vulnerable anyway …

The story of the Republican Panevėžys Hospital, where my mother was treated for three weeks before her death.

A few days before I was discharged from the hospital, I asked for a COVID-19 test because we had to continue treatment at another medical institution; the test was positive, the virus attacked the hospital.

My mother is rushed to the COVID department, I keep in touch with her by phone. Mom complains that a nurse is yelling at her angrily. When he is asked to help him go to the bathroom, he receives a cry that he is a deceiver and a liar, when he really wants to, he will leave, ”recalled the deceased’s daughter.

The story took place on the occasion of the Lithuanian Independence Restoration Day on March 11. The woman remembered as a quiet mother, said she would try calling the hospital.

“I call various official numbers all day, no one answers. Mom solves the problem herself: pays for the help to go to the bathroom. Wondering how much this trip cost?

An angry nurse comes to the ward once a day, brings pasta for dinner, but nothing to drink, no water or tea …

Mom’s water was dumped somewhere among the items that she had quickly moved with her from the cardiology department to the COVID ward.

She does not have the power to find water by herself … A woman who has not been pampered by circumstances throughout her life, does not fear difficulties and pain, she tells me calmly, here as in a concentration camp …

At that moment, it seems to me that I will fix everything soon, I will call, write and everything will be fine … But no one picks up the phone, I write to the hospital manager via Messenger, but he has not read the message yet. I dare not write to the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, I understand that he has more important questions than my sick mother at Panevėžys Hospital … ”the woman recalled.

The mother, who lost her mother, recounted a deep sense of despair.

“The next day, when I called the hospital and tried to resolve the issue of prescribing medications, they always answered me with an angry shouting voice, so as not to bother me, to repel that it was not their problem here …

I ask for respect and a calmer communication, but to no avail. I would like the mobile phone number of the hospital director (Arvydas Skorupskas, Ed.).

I return to the question: do you have internet? I lie that I don’t have to. I answer that when I have it, I will find … I will find an office phone, which no one will call, because Friday night, weekend …

Mom died on Saturday. Not because there was a lack of humanity in the hospital, not because there was a scourge … I don’t really blame death … But I blame the lack of humanity. I blame the lack of respect. I blame the violence, which was not physical.

The private company records conversations with clients / patients to ensure the quality of the conversation. The private company measures the NPS and therefore takes care of the quality of the customer / patient service.

The private company has service standards that require a certain quality of service, consulting and communication from employees.

Perhaps the public authorities should do the same? After all, we are at least worthy of respect! And those who are healthy and those who are sick … It’s just a little story that definitely has a lot of subjectivity because it’s about my mom …

But in that chapter, many of the parents, children, relatives of someone who experienced it yesterday, experience it today, but maybe they won’t experience it tomorrow ?! “Wrote the woman.

He mourns the death of his mother requested a comment from the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys.

“The staff of the Republican Hospital Panevėžys deeply regret the fact that Mr. Death of VD’s mother. We understand the resentment of the deceased’s relatives for this unpleasant situation. When it comes to matters of health and human life, and especially of loved ones, it is always very sensitive, painful, sad …

We would like to inform you that the administration of the Republican Hospital Panevėžys has not received any verbal or written complaints regarding the aforementioned case, which is described on p. VD also refers to this as unethical communication between hospital staff and the patient and their loved ones. Without more precise data, we cannot offer any explanation on this issue, “the comment reads.

Inspection started

Hospital representatives will immediately initiate an unscheduled internal audit on their own initiative.

“We agree that if everything went as written. The letter circulated by VD is true, then we deeply regret the actions of the hospital staff and we apologize to all the relatives of the deceased. We state unequivocally that the hospital administration has never tolerated or will not tolerate such treatment of patients and their families.

For our part, we ask all persons to write to the hospital administration in writing or orally if they believe that patients or their loved ones are being treated unethically and disrespectfully by hospital staff. The administration of the Republican Hospital Panevėžys assures that, having this data, it will immediately initiate an unscheduled internal audit to know all the circumstances objectively. If the fact of mistreatment of the patient or his family member by the hospital staff is established, the reaction will be in accordance with the current legal regulations of the Republic of Lithuania.

We understand that any similar case is very important for everyone: the patients, their families, the hospital, so a detailed investigation of the same and the publication of objective conclusions must be urgent. The administration of the Panevėžys Republican Hospital has already initiated an unscheduled investigation of this case on its own initiative and, once the audit conclusions are received, will take the appropriate decisions, ”reads the comment sent by the Panevėžys Republican Hospital.

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