Before exams, graduates are encouraged to prepare: coughs and sneezes are offered to bring an official letter.


Preparedness calls in advance

Gintautas Dulskas, a public relations specialist with the National Education Agency (NSA), told Delfi that if a person has allergic rhinitis, he knows or should know how to control his exacerbations and other conditions. Therefore, be prepared for medications or other means.

“In cases where the school of origin adapts the conditions to the candidates by issuing a letter authorizing the introduction of medications, they may not write about the candidate’s illness, but the candidate’s possible cough is known and not it represents a threat to others, “the NSA explained. representative.

If the candidate cannot control the symptoms of their disease or condition, they should inform the facilitators, who can always consult the student’s school, and these with the candidate’s parents. Senior executives can consult with specialists from the Public Health Office ”, G. Dulskas mentioned a clearly defined sequence of actions.

Still, it reassured graduates: all decisions are always made in favor of the candidate.

With mask and gloves – volunteer

The NSA reminds that upon reaching the maturity exam this year, graduates must have an identity document (identity document, passport or residence permit in Lithuania) or a driver’s license.

Candidates are advised to wear protective equipment (face masks, respirators, or other protective equipment), disposable gloves on a voluntary basis, although this obligation is not required by quarantine legislation.

It is emphasized that upon reaching maturity testing centers, graduates should be healthy, not required to isolate themselves, or comply with other obligations established by the National Center for Public Health that prevent them from participating in the test.

Those who develop signs of upper respiratory disease, acute intestinal infections, and other infectious diseases (37.3 degrees and above, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting) are asked not to go to the examination centers.

If the above symptoms occur during the exam, you are instructed to leave it immediately and call the coronavirus hotline tel. 1808

Higher security requirements.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (ŠMSM) points out that a fundamental change is that exam sessions will start later and will have higher security requirements. This year, students will take the exams in groups of 9 people and the Information Technology exam in groups of 6 people. Last year, the tests were conducted in groups of 14 people.

ŠMSM hopes that there will be no surprises in the maturity examination session without changes in dates and increased security requirements. Representatives of school and municipal administrations plan how to ensure appropriate test conditions in accordance with NSA recommendations.

The NSA held regular meetings with representatives of the municipalities to discuss the procedures for taking the exams: how to properly prepare the facilities, how to ensure the safety of students and professionals.

Comments received from representatives of municipalities and school administrations suggest that on June 22. The maturity exam session will not only start but will run smoothly throughout the session. The epidemiological situation in the country is constantly monitored and health professionals are consulted.

The exam session will take place later than usual.

The main session state maturity exams will begin in 2020. June 22 and run through July 21.

The repetition exams will take place from July 22. until the 4th of August.

The results of the main session state maturity tests will be announced before August 5.

For most students who passed the state enrollment tests, schools could begin offering maturity certificates on August 7.

The results of the appeals and the new session will be announced before August 17.

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