Beauty salons are concerned about compensation Business


“We are well aware that the government has made decisions without thinking about how to solve our situation, so it abruptly decided to ban us from working,” said Jolantas Mačiulienė, president of the Association of Hairdressers and Beauty Specialists of BNS.

“There are more questions than answers about how our problems will be solved, because so far there is no specific plan for people whose activities are prohibited, because in any case, nobody is exempt from taxes,” he added.

According to J.Mačiulienė, the work of beauty specialists was planned at least until the holidays, but it is obvious that in the remaining time they will not be able to accept everyone.

“The colleagues are trying to find a solution, but the fact that all the clients want to settle, nobody will accept it, and it is certainly impossible,” he said.

The government decided on Sunday to tighten the quarantine in Lithuania from Wednesday: most stores will be closed, except for groceries and pharmacies, all contact services will be prohibited, accommodation services can only be provided for isolation, and people will leave home for no good reason.
