Bars and restaurants closed for several months ask for compensation for suspended activities (photos) –


As a result of the pandemic, bars, restaurants and clubs that closed for four months held a campaign on Saturday afternoon to draw the government’s attention to financial difficulties.

Markas Adam Harold, one of the organizers of the campaign, director of Vilnius Night Alliance, said that after closing bars and other public places of dining and entertainment for reasons of public safety, the public must contribute to its survival.

“We have compensation, we are obliged to close. As it is a public health measure, we believe that the public should contribute to the implementation of that measure. That support is delayed four months without subsidy packages, we do not see them,” said MA Harold to journalists during the support campaign.

During the campaign, bar staff and patrons gathered outside for fifteen minutes at their workplaces or favorite places to stay.

“Today we are asking for compensation because the damage has already been done, four months have passed and we need compensation. The first package is delayed by bureaucracy, the second package has just been approved, ”said the head of the Vilnius Night Alliance, who participated in the campaign on the famous Islandijos street in the capital.

Saulius Galdikas, director of BrandFood, manager of the popular Piano Man bar in the capital, said the business situation was deteriorating, employees were down and some people left their jobs due to uncertainty.

“Every month, the money is reduced, we become dependent on the owners (of the facilities), on their position, because not everyone just wants tenants who cannot even do business,” S. Galdikas told reporters.

“Our situation is such that we cannot claim support because we have more than one bar, more than one company. Unfortunately, until today there are not even opportunities to fill out the application, because they are not prepared, we have to wait, ”said S. Galdikas.

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation has informed the SNB that there are currently 29 million people assigned to businesses affected by the limitations caused by COVID-19. euro of state aid.

According to the ministry, companies in the catering sector are among the most benefited: 1,247 companies have received 3.7 million. grants in euros.

The ministry highlights that until now only autonomous companies have been able to fill out the aid applications, and from the middle of next week, related companies will be able to do so at the State Tax Inspection, which is relevant for bars, as most have various owners.

The comment also notes that the second package of business subsidies is currently being negotiated with the European Commission, which will allow the most affected companies, including bars, cafes, restaurants, to distribute 70 million. euro of state aid.

“We hope this will help the most affected companies to cover the costs of rent, utilities and other fixed costs. In total, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation will allocate a solid 330 million to the quarantined business. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation said in a comment.

On the eve of the campaign, Raimondas Pranka, president of the Association of Bars and Cafes of Lithuania, told BNS that it would take place practically in all of Lithuania.

“There are many cities: from Vilnius to Klaipeda, Marijampole, Silute, even Skuodas. It is just a campaign here to support and support each other, that we are already waiting for them to let us work, because it is already very difficult for everyone, ”said R. Pranka.

According to R. Pranka, the bars already discussed the restrictions with representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation this week. He said he heard the understanding and support of the Government.

Organizers of the campaign, the Lithuanian Bar and Cafe Association and the Vilnius Night Alliance, indicate that more than 100 institutions have signed up.

Vincas Jurgutis, Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation, previously told BNS that business-related issues, such as tax deferrals and downtime, were discussed at a meeting on Thursday, which was also attended by representatives of the Tax Inspectorate of the State and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Safety and Work.

Jurgutis said he understood the sector’s fears, but emphasized that the ministry was doing its best to provide assistance.

In Lithuania, the second quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic was announced on November 7 last year, its regime tightened from mid-December, and at the end of January the quarantine and circulation restrictions were extended until the beginning of March.

During the quarantine, restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs, casinos and other entertainment venues are prohibited, except when take-out service is provided. Other reservations and restrictions are also provided.

Authors: Vytautas Budzinauskas, Milena Andrukaitytė
