Bareikis reacted to Stonkus’ jokes about divorce – this is one of the biggest hurts for me and my family


Today, V. Bareikis himself reacted to such jokes on social networks.

On their show, M. Stonkus and G. Glemžaitė, according to the media, also embarked on the adventure by joking and talking about what many netizens had recently discussed.

After the show, V. Bareikis shared his thoughts on his personal Facebook account. After sharing an article about Be Bajer, Vidas wrote:

“When EVERYTHING becomes fun and ironic, then nothing is sacred.

Divorce – Bavarian … love – Bavarian, children – Bavarian, country – Bavarian, beliefs – Bavarian.

Once upon a time, a fellow comedian explained that there is no taboo in his way – that’s the point – look at the world and yourself in it ironically. Without reservation. I asked if a mother with cancer or a girlfriend with psychological problems would be taboo. He said no. If the Bavarian is good, then the mother with cancer will come …

I didn’t agree with that then and I don’t agree now.

Divorce is one of the biggest traumas for me and my family that we will deal with and continue to deal with for many years. It’s not the ratings and the ‘clicks,’ it’s just a HUGE pain for me, my son, and my ex-wife. “

We remind you that the interpreter Jurga Šeduikytė and V. Bareikis announced their divorce on social media by writing a public letter at the end of 2019. Jurga and Vidas, who did not publish their personal lives, lived together for a decade. The couple got married in August 2009, in a small Francis of Assisi church in Juodkrante. The husbands raise a son, Ada.

Mantas and Indre announced their divorce a little earlier, in the summer of 2019. Indre and Mantas got married in 2011. The couple is raising two children: Cecilia and Francis.
