Bardak Co-Owner: The quarantine period wasn’t the hardest, and we’re not even talking about profit this year


Accept clearer rules

Raimondas Pranka, president of the Lithuanian Association of Cafes and Bars, says he is glad that the restrictions are more clearly defined, but that even the smallest ones are very important for business.

“These requirements are being implemented and we have met them in the past. This has been said before. Now it is fantastic that a dialogue has taken place and that we have finally gained the confidence of the authorities that we can continue to work on safeguards.

Raimondas pranka

Raimondas pranka

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

It wasn’t long before, now it’s fun that we’re dealing with this. And any restriction is not good for business, but at this point we know we have to comply. We can work and live safely together ”, says the interlocutor.

Clients are confused

Matas Puodžiūnas, a representative from Bardakas, Sanatorija and other bars, says on the show that he is also glad that clearer rules have finally been defined.

“We are pleased that the dialogue has taken place. We were already used to seeing meetings on Wednesdays because it is important what will be decided so much by the staff who asked if they would need to come to work. It is gratifying that the municipality promptly organized a conference and that such a group of work, which pointed out the points, immediately reject those points that are completely unreal, so as not to break that consensus from the first days.

All those restrictions have been applied before, we have only defined more precisely where the limit is when the mask can be removed. People themselves are often very confused, showing us items that Veryga allows to take off the masks after buying drinks. So many people do not understand when it is not said clearly, and now everything is much clearer, there are rules that must be followed, “says the businessman.

The hardest part was attracting employees

One of the rules on the bars: you will have to follow a distance of one meter. The interlocutor says that the bars will be broken down by labels, but it is probably not necessary to expect a hundred percent success in meeting this requirement.

“First of all, we all understand that a bar is not a place like a concert where people don’t move in their seats.

Of course, this will not be possible with pinpoint precision, but the mere rule that people who go to the bar cannot remove their mask immediately, but must be with them when ordering at the bar, will automatically keep people with masks, even if the distance will be less than one meter ”, assures the interlocutor.

Matas Puodžiūnas

Matas Puodžiūnas

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“It was especially difficult to get workers back after the first big quarantine, when everyone thought the break would last only a week or a few and was expected to be an easy vacation, but it turned into a three-month wait. It was particularly difficult to attract workers to the nightlife sector. (…) Some people have found new professions, they assured that there is no longer any guarantee that everything can be closed again in a few months. Now the team is formed, but the biggest problem is the dissemination of information, ”says M. Puodžiūnas.

The interviewee emphasizes that people are also very sensitive to the information that appears in the media.

Some clients refused to provide contacts.

R. Pranka also assures that stricter restrictions have already been introduced this weekend, although there were people who did not want to reveal their contacts.

“There are bars where people turn around, they don’t want to reveal their contacts, phone number, but everyone understands why. The key is to explain.

Just as we want to know clear rules from the government, customers expect clarity from employers because bars can be visited safely and demonization is not necessary.

I will repeat that there were no fireplaces in the night bars, it is safe when the measurements are followed. And the registration of people is necessary, but people should not be intimidated by that, “said R. Pranka.

Bars representative: we are not even talking about profit, the most important thing is not to close

M. Puodžiūnas says that he has not yet survived such a difficult time.

“I can honestly say that we are going through the most difficult times we have ever had. That full lockdown quarantine seems to have been the most difficult time, but not by a long shot. Costs were really kept to a minimum, rentals stopped, staff downtime.

We want to thank the state for the grants that have been really important both now and in the ongoing compensation of employee wages. Now the activity is limited to at least 50 percent, we can only let people enter 40 percent. People really react a lot to articles, they watch the news, sometimes we may not even work after an article, because people follow the news a lot, “said M. Puodžiūnas on the show.

I can honestly say that we are going through the most difficult times we have ever had. That total lockdown quarantine seems to have been the most difficult moment, but not by a long shot.

Matas Puodžiūnas

“This year we are not even talking about something like earnings, the most important thing for us is not to close.”

Vilnius bars have committed to stricter security measures for the municipality

The Vilnius municipality said on Sunday it had reached an agreement with the capital’s bars and restaurants, which had pledged to take stricter security measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

“The situation in Vilnius, considering the number of coronavirus infections and the threat of existing outbreaks, is by no means more complicated than in other Lithuanian cities, so we are in no rush to respond to the call of the National Center for Public Health to stop bars, clubs and sports facilities “, Povilas Poderskis.

Bardak Co-Owner: The quarantine period wasn't the hardest, and we're not even talking about profit this year

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Recently, in the context of a pandemic, there is increasing talk about the importance of paying attention to the emotional health of society, which also depends on our free time, physical activity and, of course, the opportunity to work and earn. money. It is also likely that when there is no opportunity to have fun in controlled places, people will choose in private, where it is difficult to expect the use of personal protective equipment, “he said.

According to the municipality, this weekend the details of the agreement with bars, restaurants, cafes and nightclubs operating in the Vilnius territory were discussed and it was decided to establish clear security measures in the document, which catering and entertainment institutions can sign voluntarily.

It is true that non-signatories will be subject to stricter controls.
“It will not seem acceptable that neither the companies nor the municipality have companies in this service sector that are characterized by not following common agreements and requirements, and that is why they will be chosen by people who turn their back on those who care about the public interest. In general, everything is in the hands of the residents of Vilnius, both their free time and their health. If we act responsibly, the game can continue, ”said P. Poderskis.

The signing bodies undertake to wear protective masks at all times in their premises and patios, except when drinking, eating or smoking. The rows of the bar and the counter must be one meter apart, and the food or drink you buy will only be available two meters from the table or bar.

Seats for drinking and drinking shall be separated from the dance area by zones. When admitting visitors to the premises when the premises are full, it will be mandatory to adhere to the principle that new customers can only enter by changing those who leave. Institutions will also need to ensure that hands are disinfected in the entrance, the bar and the bathrooms.

It is recommended to measure the body temperature of visitors and not allow those whose temperature exceeds the recommendations of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC). It is also advisable to register all visitors and keep their phone number for 21 days so that the data can be provided to the NVSC in the event of an outbreak.

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