Bank executives at the LBA board don’t talk much about the accusations made against Zalator


“We take the position that the banking association should comment on this situation in a collegial manner,” Dovilė Grigienė, CEO of Swedbank Lithuania, said in a comment to BNS.

Andrius Načajus, the head of the Lithuanian branch of Luminor, did not comment.

“I will refrain from commenting. “We present Luminor’s position in writing,” Nachay told BNS.

He also declined to comment on whether the LBA board would choose to consider Zalator’s future in the near future.

BNS was unable to contact Šiaulių bankas Chief Administrative Officer Vytautas Sinius and SEB bankas President Raimonds Kvedars.

The LBA Board is made up of the heads of the four largest banks in Lithuania: Swedbank, SEB, Šiaulių bankas and Luminor, and Ramūnas Bičiulaitis, the head of the Danske Bank service center. The LBA board does not have a chair.

According to LBA spokeswoman Valerija Kiguolienė, it is not yet known when the board meeting will take place and who will temporarily lead the association.

The Special Investigation Service (STT) announced on Wednesday that the president of the Lithuanian Business Confederation, Valdas Sutkus, who had been arrested in a possible corruption case, was suspected of receiving a bribe from M. Zalator and the managers of several construction companies.

According to the service, V. Sutkus may have accepted and accepted a bribe from M. Zalatorius for his representation in late 2019 when considering the 2020 Lithuanian budget law package, bank property laws, and corporate income tax.

Zalatorius, who has been in charge of the LBA since 2017, was arrested Tuesday and released the same day after questioning. His lawyer, Aidas Mažeika, told BNS on Wednesday that his client was suspected of exchanging the effects.

STT representative Renata Keblienė told BNS on Tuesday that the preventive detention measure for M. Zalator was a promise not to leave, as well as not to communicate with the right people.

In the corruption investigation, officials also detained V. Sutkus, who was released by a court on Wednesday, as well as the head of the “Kauno tiltai” company Aldas Rusevičius and the CEO of “Šiaulių plentas” Juozas Aleksas. .
