Avoiding vaccines flooded GP’s offices: justifying allergies and other ailments


“The patient says that he is allergic to insect bites or to some food, perhaps to dust, for example. He thinks that he cannot be vaccinated and only asks the family doctor to write a certificate about it in electronic health, and that is why he could get a passport without being vaccinated, ”Aldona Jankavičienė, family doctor at the Center’s polyclinic, told TV info.

“Many people resort to the indications and contraindications of vaccines. Most want to ask if they can get vaccinated, so we always say when they can and when they can’t.

One of the indications when people cannot be vaccinated or vaccination is not recommended is a previous anaphylactic shock or an anaphylactic reaction to previous vaccines, ”said Justa Prokopavičiūtė, family doctor at Antakalnis Polyclinic.

According to doctors, there are patients for whom it is enough to explain that the vaccine is not dangerous for them. For others, the explanation of family doctors is not enough.

“The patient requires a referral to an allergist and sometimes just needs to be referred. Of course, there are also reasonable cases when we send an allergist, if a person has bronchial asthma, there are some other identified allergic diseases, then perhaps the consultation of that allergist is really helpful and necessary.

And sometimes only a family doctor is forced to give in to the patient’s pressure and send it to the allergist, because the patient no longer listens to his arguments, “admitted A. Jankavičienė.

Julius Kalibatas, president of the Lithuanian Association of Family Physicians, is convinced that most of the patients who supposedly fear the side effects of vaccines are the simplest antiviral drugs.

Avoiding vaccines flooded GP's offices: justifying allergies and other ailments

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“They don’t say now that they are specifically against vaccines, that they are anti-vaccines, that they have a different policy, but they want to base it in another way, on medical indications, why they cannot be vaccinated. They are quite a lot ”, the director of the association told Info TV.

According to Kalibat, people complain to doctors that they are afraid of being vaccinated because they have had allergic reactions to bee or wasp stings in the past, as well as after eating some berries.

“Ask family doctors to write a certificate or refer them to an allergist. Sure, family doctors can refer you to an allergist, but understandably there is no reason for a bee or wasp to bite and hurt or swell. “It has nothing to do with the vaccine and there will probably be no side effects from the vaccine. So, of course, family doctors don’t refer an allergist, there are a lot of unpleasant conversations,” said J. Kalibatas.

According to the professor, the reasons why people cannot be vaccinated are, but they are very rare: anaphylactic shock after the first vaccination, congenital immunodeficiency, recent organ transplants or active diseases at that time.

Avoiding vaccines flooded GP's offices: justifying allergies and other ailments

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Those who want to get passports without vaccines are finding other ways to do it.

“The police are constantly monitoring the social space, our virtual patrol is also working, various closed groups are being monitored, where people share such information that they can possibly get a forged document,” said Jovita Jonavičiūtė, representative of the Police Department. television.

So far, these cases are isolated. They are being investigated, but no pre-trial investigations have been initiated on any of them.
