Authorities detained the prisoner who escaped in March: the fugitive was betrayed by a sign on his body.


On Wednesday, police officers detained a man who had fled his job at the Alytus Correctional Center in March, the Prison Department reported.

Prison (Photo by Justinas Auškėlis /

Prison (Photo by Justinas Auškėlis /

According to the department, the convict R. L., who was serving a sentence for robbery, robbery and a minor health disorder, was detained on the Vilna-Kaunas highway.

Criminal intelligence officers from the Department of Prisons relayed data on the car the fugitive was allowed to drive.

In the stopped car, the ex-man was unable to present any identity document to the police and presented himself with someone else’s name.

However, according to the Department of Prisons, officials were able to identify the man based on the tattoo he had.

The fugitive faces an additional three years in prison for escaping.

This pre-trial investigation is being conducted by the Criminal Intelligence Board of the Department of Prisons.

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