Audronė and Valdas’s family bought a house for the price of an apartment and soon discovered where else they had earned.


This was especially felt by those who were willing and able to work from home. Third, the strategic location of the Kaišiadorys region makes it possible to work in both Vilnius and Kaunas. Fourth, significantly lower home prices allow you to buy a more spacious home or apply for a smaller loan.

What is heating up the real estate market?

The development of well-paid jobs in the main cities of the country has led to the purchase of real estate. This was also influenced by historically low mortgage rates and inflation fears. To the European Central Bank in 2021 Following the announcement in January that a very active stimulus policy will continue, there is a natural fear of rising prices. In this context, people want their money not to depreciate and tend to invest in real estate.

Also contributing are emigrants who have accumulated financial capital in foreign countries. Many migrants want their hard-earned money to provide long-term value, and the opportunity to buy attractive homes naturally becomes an attractive alternative. Especially since many people hope that sooner or later they will return to their homeland.

Naturally, having enough money is more tempting to return to a modern and attractive home than to an old apartment building whose renovation plans seem to have been found in the land of permafrost due to the different economic opportunities and interests of the residents.

Strategic location and opportunities

You don’t have to be a real estate guru to understand that the value and liquidity of your real estate is largely determined by your convenient geographic location. It is also the biggest advantage of the Kaišiadorys region. Already today, the people of Kaišiadorys can easily reach Vilnius in an hour and Kaunas in half an hour. On a western European scale, travel time is very short.

However, the day will soon come when trips to Vilnius or Kaunas will be even shorter. On the one hand, the impulse will be given by the Vilnius-Kaunas motorway, which will be converted into a dual carriageway, and on the other hand, the European Rail Baltica route will be built through the city of Kaišiadorys. This is one of the strong points that the residents of Kaišiadorys Valdas (36) and Audronė (32) saw.

“I work as a sales representative at Senukai shopping center in Vilnius (distance from home – about 61 km), my wife works for Bauwerk Boen company located in Kietaviškės old town (distance from home – about 22 km). As I was used to going to work from Elektrėnai, and my wife’s work is not far away, it seemed logical that our family chose a house in Kaišiadorys.

Although we are settlers, we managed to make sure we made the right decision. Regarding the future prospects, our family is satisfied with the idea of ​​a European Rail Baltica track being built through Kaišiadorys. When we bought the house we still did not know, but the value of the property that we bought will only increase due to this possibility ”, assures Valdas.

The development of the Kaunas and Vilnius regions should also have a positive impact on housing in Valdas and Audronė. The development of these regions is carried out by the most famous foreign and Lithuanian corporations, for example, at the end of March it was announced that the works of the first stage of development of the Kaunas FEZ mainland plant had begun. The company is investing an additional 90 million. It will double the plant’s capacity, expand the plant area, and invite another 500 workers to join its team.

Meanwhile, the city of Vilnius with world famous service centers and Lithuanian business empires such as Teltonika, which in Liepkalnis until 2024. intends to invest 220 million Eur will undoubtedly remain the engine of the Lithuanian economy. Proof of this is the Vilnius property market.

Mention should also be made of the Vilnius-Kaunas two-city idea matured by Professor Jurgis Vanags, which naturally gains momentum. Already today, Vilnius residents go to work in Kaunas FEZ, and Kaunas residents go to Vilnius, so why not choose Kaišiadorys between Vilnius and Kaunas?

Especially since from a time perspective, the trips from Vilnius, which are a little further from the center, take as long as from Kaišiadorys to Vilnius. With the arrival of the European Rail Baltica route, travel time will be shortened even more and the Kaišiadorys, who often avoid traffic, will find themselves in the central part of Vilnius faster than the Vilnius resident traveling from the area to to sleep.

House for the price of an apartment

People want to have a cozy home to protect their investment. However, wanting and power are not the same. Probably none of us today would like to enjoy spa entertainment, but the possibilities to do so remain very limited. This rule of thumb also applies to real estate. Real estate prices in Vilnius today are quite high.

Here is a newly built A ++ energy efficient dwelling located on Daujotu str. 3, the price is 1593 euros per square meter. subway. This home is classified as economy class. Of course, we are talking about a partial finish, so the owner will have to invest a lot of money in the installation of the apartment. The largest real estate portal offers to buy 68.42 m2 M. m apartment for 109,000 Eur.

For comparison, a new A ++ class residential neighborhood is being developed in the prestigious area of ​​the city of Kaišiadorys. Buyers are offered to buy 107 m2 M. m house in a two-room house for 1028 Eur per km2. subway. The developer is ready to adapt to the customer’s expectations. For example, a completely finished house for sale for 1200 Eur per km2. subway. So, for the same price, the buyer gets almost 40 square meters. m of additional area and a cozy plot. Both two-bedroom and one-bedroom homes feature 11-acre parcels.

This is much more than the parcels of land offered by the cabins in the cities. Therefore, when buying an apartment in a two-apartment house, the buyer can enjoy an additional 5.5 acres of his own parcel. These spaces are enough to spend pleasant summer evenings with good company of friends and a barbecue. Just a few hundred meters from the neighborhood there is a large pond with a developed beach, outdoor coaches, tennis courts, basketball court (it is true that you have to walk about 1 km to the beach on the cozy shore of the pond).

The example of Valdas and Audronė also attests to low house prices. The young woman assures that buying a home in the big cities would have cost tens of thousands of euros more.

“I think our house would have cost 20,000-30,000 euros more in the big cities. Not to mention that we were delighted with our warm and friendly neighbors while creating in Kaišiadorys. A good neighborhood also creates a quality of life,” says Audronė.

Opportunity for young families

Although it is possible to buy a newly built house in Kaišiadorys for the price of an apartment, there is another great opportunity to save a great deal of money. This is a support for a young family buying their first home. As practically all new homes exceed 87,000 euros, the minimum amount to which a young family is entitled is 13,050 euros. This amount will be paid to any young family in which both spouses or a mother or father raising a child is not older than 36 years.

Also, if there are one, two, three or more children in the family, 5% is added for each child. of the rest of the credit. The maximum amount can reach 26,100 euros. Meanwhile, 33 square meters are currently for sale on Dubijos street, in the central part of Šiauliai, for 28,500 euros. m area of ​​the apartment. A young family who has bought such an apartment and rented it successfully could receive an additional passive income of 150-200 EUR per month.

Instead of conclusions

Each of us chooses the home and path of our dreams, but those who want more spacious houses, more space for children, and state support should look to regions with excellent infrastructure. Kaišiadorys with Rail Baltica and the Kaunas-Vilnius highway is one of those places. Well, the thousands of euros saved will be available for investment, housing or a retirement pension. All these solutions will contribute to a better quality of family life.
