Audrius Butkevičius had to apologize for the wrongdoing of Žygimantas Pavilionis –


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I had to apologize for not having the people who were supposed to do it. Still images from a live report of a Georgian television program.

“Lithuania is interested in supporting Sakartvelas, doing everything possible to help Sakartvelas and not taking the position of any of the parties to the conflict,” said A. Butkevičius in an exclusive interview on Sakartvelas television.

“I want to ask the Sakartvelas politicians, regardless of the political party they belong to, to forgive us for such an attitude and statements from the Lithuanian representative. Before leaving Lithuania, Ž.Pavilionis promised that the purpose of the visit was to balance the conflict situation in Sakartvele. When he arrived in Tbilisi, he became part of the conflict and, worst of all, he began to speak about the phraseology of political aggression formulated from his “big brother position”, he spoke about the sanctions on Sakartwell. The success of NATO in NATO and the EU has strong support for Lithuania, regardless of the status of the ruling Sakartwell party Lithuania is interested in supporting Sakartwell and doing everything possible to help Sakartwell achieve its goals, regardless of the ruling political affiliation. I am sure there is no politician in Sakartvele who would like to I agree with such a degrading attitude of the Lithuanian MP, I know the political elite of Sakartvele and I know that no one in their land needs the help or This is not the first time this person is embroiled in a conflict with our neighbors. Perhaps it is due to their personal qualities? We have listened to his explanations in Lithuania: in his opinion, Sakartwell’s opposition is closer to his political party than Sakartwell’s politicians in power. Therefore, his position became partisan, not the position of the Lithuanian government and state. Therefore, I ask the Sacartwell politicians to forgive us for this misunderstanding. Now this person is one of the high ranking diplomats of Lithuania and should represent the position of the state and not be guided by personal friendly relations or the positions of his party. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that no form of violence in political relations is unacceptable in a democratic environment. At the same time, all politicians must respect the laws of their country, the decisions of the legal system and the constitution, “A. Butkevičius told television.

Exclusive comment by Audrius Butkevičius for “Vakaro žinios”:

“After the scandal caused by our representative of the Seimas Ž.Pavilionis, I received calls from journalists from Sakartvelas. I have spent 8 years in that country, so I know its politicians and journalists well. Not only supporters of the current government, but also opposition supporters expressed their great regret for the position chosen by the Lithuanian representative.

It was a clear misunderstanding of how the mentality of the proud mountaineers differed from that of any faded nation. They couldn’t believe that Lithuanians behaved in the same way as Americans or Russians. By the way, that’s why no one likes the latter in the old Warsaw Pact countries.

At first I didn’t want to delve into this whole story, but then I realized I had to apologize. Not only because of what he said, but also because of the position from which he dared to speak. Both sides, the government and the opposition, were offended. Not because of the text that Lithuania is supposed to support one of the parties, but because of the fact that they dare to threaten relations between the EU and NATO when these things are important, regardless of which party will be in power. .

Such actions are shot at one’s own feet, because the participation of potatoes (the inhabitants of Sakartwell – ed. Past.) In the above-mentioned organizations is first and foremost necessary for us. And the chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Commission makes sure that only the party that belongs to the same party family as his party would be better off. After such actions of this person, there is the presumption of questioning their common sense. And when you read his social media posts about conversations with the “whole world,” it becomes clear that a person has problems not only with a mania for greatness, but also with mental health. In the past, just by statements that talking to the ‘whole world’ would have closed him to a room with soft walls, and now, posing a potential danger not only to himself and those around him, but also to the entire country, “he deals “with the foreign policy of Lithuania.

After such a démarche, in my opinion, there had to be a speech by a high-ranking state official. Chancellor Gabrielius Landsberb’s speech was an attempt to save, but the speaker’s position was insufficient, as Sakartvelas politicians are well aware that the chairman of the Seimas Foreign Relations Committee is an important person in terms of rank and influence. , so President Gitanas Nausėda had to respond to his statement., who was called personally by the head of Sakartwell, Salome Zurabishvili. The departure of the leader of our country from this problem is unjustified. “
