Attack on “Iki”: the suspect was taken from a bathroom in another part of Vilijampolė


It turned out that a woman who ran to the Iki Shopping Center on Varni calle Street last night with a bloody knife was wounded in the neck by her former roommate, who was forbidden to approach her within 100 meters.

The 43-year-old ER, who was attacking a former DB living in a taromat located near the supermarket, was detained by Kaunas police officers about an hour after this shocking attack. As has already been written, he was informed to the General Assistance Center by someone from this shopping center at 5.15 pm.

Upon arrival, the ambulance medics found a 37-year-old DB lying on the floor of the mall and not responding to the environment. Not only his neck, but also his head were injured. This, it is suspected, – when under the stab of a knife in the neck fell highlander.

The wounded man was taken to the Clinic for resuscitation. And until this morning, the state of health has not been questioned. His drunken state at the time of the incident has yet to be established, although the victim was certainly intoxicated.

The emergency room suspected of DB’s injury was also intoxicated (0.46 avg) during the arrest

Around 6 pm this resident of Panerių Street was found hiding in the apartment of his acquaintance on Jurbarko Street. Although the owner of this emergency room told the police who followed in his footsteps that this is not at his home. But the emergency room was found when officers turned on a light in the bathroom of this apartment, which plunged into darkness. From there he had to be forcibly removed. However, the ER did not give up without a fight. And during a fight with officials, he knocked out several household items belonging to his acquaintance, flipping the pot with pasta, which caused the owner of the apartment to have complaints to the police.

Photo by Vilmantas Raupelis

Later, ER claimed that he had just entered this apartment on Jurbarkas Street for tea. He soon revealed and where he hid the crime tool. The knife, which was used to stab DB in the neck, was found in a wooden box on the same Vilijampolė Koklių street, the owner of which ER said he came for coffee shortly after the attack. Officials found this knife in the place indicated by the emergency room, on the wall of the kitchen that was being repaired. Before that, however, it was necessary to unscrew the drywall behind which it was plugged in.

The suspicion of so far only a mild DB health disorder in the emergency room was to be made this morning. According to the portal, he admits that he has carried out this attack.

However, today a request will be made to the Kaunas District Court to arrest the emergency room. You will participate in the hearing of this application remotely, from the Kaunas Police Detention Center.

It was decided to ask the ER to arrest him because he had been convicted more than once. The last time, in October of last year, for causing physical pain to the same former partner, DB was later sentenced by the court to deprivation of liberty, forcing him to participate in programs to change violent behavior. However, a couple of months ago, another pre-trial investigation was started for violence against DB against ER, and he was already forced to live apart from his ex-partner, not to approach her within 100 meters, and not to look for him. contact with him.
