Atomizga in the story of a Lidl employee who refused to resign “voluntarily” – earned a considerable profit


Delfi wrote about V. Gasparienė on August 31. Later, the woman living in Kaunas said that she was under pressure at work. “A pre-printed sheet signed by the manager is provided,” he said.

Lina Skersytė, the sales network’s public relations representative, explained that the employee submitted the resignation request after comments she had made about working time accounting. “The company had comments from these staff on inadequate accounting of working hours and made these comments during the meeting,” he said.

Shortly thereafter, after advising lawyers, V. Gasparienė withdrew the application and went to the State Labor Inspectorate. At the end of December, Delfi’s interlocutor told how the story ended.

Came out of benefits

“After long doubts and unwillingness to remind myself of the unpleasant situation when I was forced to leave the Lidl workplace voluntarily, I would like to announce the end of this situation,” V. Gasparienė began the letter to the editorial office.

The woman said that the correspondence between her attorney and Lidl’s attorney lasted her entire inability to work, almost until the end of September.

“During that period, I continued to consult with the State Labor Inspectorate, which also stated that I had been illegally fired and advised me to demand the dismissal of the employer under article 59 of the Labor Code (termination of the employment relationship at the will of the employer) or return to work.

On the last day of my incapacity for work, I received a reply from Lidl that I was being fired under article 59 with an average salary of 6 months.

He was still paid for 3 business days after the inability to work, a notice period supposedly before the employee was fired, but he did not have to report for work. However, the funny thing was that they still forgot to forgive me and had to pay the so-called continuity money for a few days ”, said V. Gasparienė.

The interviewee said that now she can safely say that all this experience has benefited her.

“I received a payment for half a year, I discontinued the money and unemployment benefits from the job bank. It will definitely be helpful to start the business next year, “he said.

According to V. Gasparienė, his story can be a lesson and an encouragement for other people working in Lithuania.

“Everyone has and can defend their rights, do not give in to negative colleagues and there will be fewer such negative cases in Lithuania. According to the Commission on Labor Disputes, this is now quite common and rare, who raises it in public, fights for himself and he suffers alone. I wish there were the fewest possible disputes in Lithuanian companies and the greatest possible understanding in people’s hearts, “he said.

Lidl representative l. Skersytė said he refrained from comment this time.

“As the information you request is confidential, we will not be able to comment in more detail,” he replied to Delfi’s query.

According to article 59 of the Labor Code, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee by giving a notice of 3 working days and paying severance pay of at least 6 months of average salary.

Therefore, the contract cannot be terminated for the provision of information on the violation in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, participation in a process against an employer accused of violations of the law, as well as recourse to administrative bodies . status, religion, marital or family status, intention to have a child, beliefs or opinions, membership in political parties and associations, age or other discriminatory reasons.

According to Sodra, on December 22, Lidl Lietuva had 2,343 employees, for whom the average salary paid in October was 1,351.68 euros “on paper” (about 870 euros “on hand”).

The financial report submitted to the Registry of Legal Entities for the period from March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 indicates that Lidl Lietuva received 469.4 million LTL during this period. sales revenue and obtained 20.6 million euros. net profit of.

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