At the solemn session of the Seimas, comments were made to Skvernelis: he was accused of talking nonsense


S. Skvernelis named all planned works and bills.

We are starting the last session of this legislature, the Government is presenting 149 bills to the Seimas, 9 of which are related to increasing the efficiency and transparency of the public sector, 8 packages – the threat of the spread of the coronavirus and elimination of consequences, 6 packages aim to reduce social exclusion. At the beginning of the sessions of the last legislature there are usually calls for non-politicians, to distance themselves from the elections, to focus on the latest jobs. However, we are all well aware that the reality of autumn was, is and will be different, ”said the Prime Minister in the Seimas Chamber.

Speaking of the most important works, S. Skvernel said that people will remember this power as the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic.

“In this autumn session, I invite you to focus on the changes with which we have all tried during this period to enrich century-old Lithuania and open the doors of a successful second century to it. Lithuania will remember this Seimas and the XVII Government as the authority of the coronavirus ”, said the Head of Government.

S. Skvernelis recalled that the incidence rates of the Lithuanian coronavirus are lower than the world average and that the economy has contracted twice less than expected.

“I understand that there were wishes and predictions that the country would suffer an economic catastrophe in the autumn. I am glad that this is not and will not be,” said the Prime Minister.

After hearing the noise in the room, S. Skvernelis also commented on his teammates from the Seimas.

“It is unfortunate that it is clear that we have not learned at least a little tolerance and tolerance in four years. Once again I have to hear a comment from my colleagues “what are you talking about here?”. It shows their culture, their political tolerance, which is probably also a very good example of such behavior, ”the Prime Minister told the replicated members of the Seimas. And back to your message.

“The global coronavirus has affected the most painful parts of our medical care; we have bandaged them with the fastest tools at hand. Now we have the opportunity to cure many aches and pains for a long time,” said S. Skvernelis about the problems in the health sector.

“It is cheap to teach the supposed co-politicians who have returned from remote control how to act in the face of a global pandemic,” criticized the prime minister.

Urged not to stumble

President Gitan Nausėda al Seimas’s congratulatory speech also referred to the upcoming elections. The head of state asked that the promises made during the rest of the month be fulfilled.

“There is only one month left until the elections, so there is little time left to complete the most important work and fulfill the promises made to the voters. The political season is the most difficult time, when there are often temptations to forget about long-term strategic goals and make one-day decisions that will help during the election campaign. Or pass laws that would only benefit a group of stakeholders. However, this is a dangerous path that reduces the trust of voters in the state, ”delivered G. Nausėda to Seimas.

At the solemn session of the Seimas, comments were made to Skvernelis: he was accused of talking nonsense

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

“A month or two is a long time when we talk about the life of a country seeking change. We cannot lose it in electoral battalions. Therefore, the concentration of the Seimas for the last months of work is extremely important ”, he stressed once again.

G. Nausėda also called for the geopolitical situation in Lithuania to be taken into account and the well-being of its citizens guaranteed.

In his speech, the president asked for the support of parliament and the proposal to modernize the educational system.

“Nearly 600 bills have been submitted to the Seimas for this session. It will be your duty and responsibility to separate the wheat from the chaff, the laws that bring about strategic change, from one-day initiatives, the fair implementation of promises to voters. of the attempt to attract them with additional payments ”, transmitted the president to the Seimas.

“Quality does not presuppose”

Seimas spokesperson Viktoras Pranckietis told the Seimas that this session looks ambitious.

“We include 540 bills in the two-month work program, since the principle of drawing up work programs for all sessions preserves the possibility of registering all proposed bills. (…) Of course, we will focus on priority issues, but such a plethora of proposals does not presuppose quality ”, criticized the parliament.

Mr. Pranckietis also spoke about the elections.

“We are on the verge of many people voting in this House being assigned to the election campaign. We risk simplifying the image of the Seimas speech to a wish of honor covered with thin skin. This is not only not fair to society, but which is not fair to us either, ”he said.

According to V. Pranckietis, 25 meetings are planned for this fall session.

“The session includes a number of special highlights. In particular, we will continue to make decisions and exercise parliamentary scrutiny on the spread and remediation of COVID-19. In the international arena, we will have to stand firm and clear with civil society in Belarus, fighting “for their freedom and ours.”

However, perhaps the most important thing will be that in the current situation we will have to ensure a well thought out, constructive and meaningful budget project for next year and concern for the future Seimas ”, he recalled.

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