At the session, the Seimas decided all state budgets: pensions will increase significantly


1 pm MPs approved both laws in a vote. There were 114 votes in favor of the PSDF budget, no votes against and 4 abstentions. The Sodra budget was approved by 114 Seimas members who did not support it, and 14 abstained.

The government’s improved budget project for Sodra is expected to have 5.13 billion. 4.99 billion euros in revenue. 136.24 million euros. EUR surplus.

The budget of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (PSDF) must remain balanced, with 2.48 billion. income and expenses.

Mykolas Majauskas said before the vote that several significant improvements had been made to the PSDF budget.

“Additional funding is anticipated for Covid-19 testing. Given the workload of the labs, the work already done has not been accounted for and not enough funding is anticipated in the future. There was also a lot of discussion about the vaccine, and here is she had to provide funds to reserve a reserve for her. The fourth thing is medical accessories for hazardous work. Finally, drugs are given extra, “he said.

Commenting on the Sodra budget, M. Majauskas spoke about the increase in pensions.

“We are increasing our pensions not by the amount planned by the outgoing government, but by the amount provided by law, including the president’s initiative: 9 percent. We need to reduce poverty among people of retirement age. It is important for them to pensions grow faster than wages, ”he said.

For his part, Kęstutis Glaveckas warned about the risks before the vote.

“Raising pensions at the expense of loans or indirect taxes is a risk, but the postponed demand for solvent may one way or another cost pensioners significantly more costly in public service in the future,” he said.

Tom Tomil said 9.58 percent. it is an impressive number for the growth of pensions.

“I would also like to thank the right side of the Seimas, who also contributed to this number during that period. My main point is that, viewed in a complex and systematic way, we must be satisfied that the commitment to business on the roof remains of Sodra, ”he said.

It is estimated that the average old-age pension with the required seniority in 2021 will reach 440 euros and the average pension 413 euros, 40 and 36 euros more, respectively, than this year.

The state budget project approved at that time foresees that its income will reach 11.25 billion. The appropriations will amount to EUR 15.83 billion. The budget deficit will reach 4,570 million euros. euros. The government’s debt limit is set at 4,030 million. euros.

All laws still need to be signed by President Gitanas Nausėda before January 1.

The total budget deficit for 2021 is $ 4.4 billion. EUR, that is, about 7%. gross domestic product.

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