At the meeting of A. Duda and D.Trumpas: possible decisions about the forces in Poland


Krzysztof Szczersky, head of the Duda administration, said Monday that “there would be good news” from Washington.

“There will be three main themes: first, health, second, investment and development, and third,” Reuters said.

According to K. Szczersky, security topics will include energy, the Three Seas Initiative and cyber security, and will address health issues like curbing the coronavirus pandemic. Duda will discuss the security concerns of countries in the region.

Negotiation on the transfer of forces.

After announcing in June that the US USA He intends to withdraw a quarter of Germany, 9,500. – Soldiers, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said he hoped they would be transferred to Poland.

According to the director of the Center for Eastern European Studies (RESC), political scientist Linas Kojala, there are reasons to believe that an agreement will be reached on the transfer of at least part of the troops leaving Germany to Poland.

“We do not know if those soldiers who would be in Poland would be directly involved in the decision in Germany, since the latter is not defined in any way and is detailed, until now even more in the media than at the level of official documents.”

Scanpix / AP photo / US troops in Germany

Scanpix / AP photo / US troops in Germany

Poland clearly hopes for concrete solutions. And the fact that the meeting is probably taking place suggests that at least part of it will actually be announced. “ 15 minutes L. Kojala said.

Last year, an agreement was reached on the transfer of an additional 1,000 American soldiers from Germany to Poland and the purchase of American weapons. However, Poland’s expectations that a permanent US base, which it set out to call Fort Trump, would be established in the country did not materialize. A. Duda offered to contribute 2 billion to his establishment. dollars – less than the cost of relocating and retaining strength.

According to L. Kojala, Americans will want to see some commitment from Poland to continue contributing to the acquisition of weapons by the United States.

“Perhaps a memorandum will be signed, as the Polish press speculates, about the construction of a nuclear power plant and a certain role for the United States in this process, such as loans, technology exchange and the like,” said the political scientist.

The RESC director said he thought the meeting would focus on the growing presence of US troops and the United States’ involvement in regional affairs. “That Poland is a useful partner in understanding that is relevant to Donald Trump,” said L. Kojala.

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Andrzej Duda and Donald Trump

Reuters / Scanpix Photo / Andrzej Duda and Donald Trump

NATO partners cannot commit at least 2% to defense. Trump, who criticized gross domestic product (GDP), repeatedly praised Poland and called it an “exemplary ally.”

After Reuters announced last week that plans to establish Fort Trump were hampered by disagreements over funds and infrastructure, the U.S. Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher called it false news.

“It just came to our attention then. Presidents Trump and Duda’s vision of a greater US presence in Poland will be even better than indicated. A message will be published soon,” he wrote on Twitter.

President Gitanas Nausėda, who discussed security issues in the region with Duda on Thursday, assured that the president of the neighboring country will express expectations at the meeting with Trump to strengthen the United States Army in Europe, reports BNS.

Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius and the Ministry of National Defense have previously stated that they would support the United States’ decision to transfer part of the troops leaving Germany to Poland.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nausėda

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nausėda

General Jonas Zemaitis Liudas Zdanavičius, researcher at the Science Center of the Lithuanian Military Academy at the time. fifteenmin He said that the deployment of additional US troops in Poland will strengthen the security situation in the region.

“In general, the more American troops there are in Europe, the better the security situation in Lithuania will be. When these soldiers are closer, they can get there quickly enough in crisis situations. These forces act as a deterrent,” said the researcher. .

An opportunity to win votes

Wednesday’s meeting could be politically important to Trump, who is seeking reelection in the November election.

“The electorate of Polish origin in the United States plays an important role. In the context of the upcoming elections, it is important that those who live in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan or other regions with ties to Poland see that he is a president who contributes to the strategic security of a state close to them.

He also met with the American Polish community shortly before the 2016 election, emphasizing that he would be a very friendly president. ” 15 minutes L. Kojala assured.

Scanpix / AP photo / Donald Trump in Warsaw

Scanpix / AP photo / Donald Trump in Warsaw

The first round of the presidential elections in Poland will take place this weekend. R. Duda, who is seeking reelection, will undoubtedly make it to the second round, but polls predict an approximate result with the mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowki, who recently entered the competition.

Luke April photo / 15 minutes / Linas Kojala

Luke April photo / 15 minutes / Linas Kojala

Therefore, according to L. Kojala, the meeting is also useful for A. Duda.

“Such a visit, pomp, the fact that it takes place just a few days before the vote, can have such a positive impact on Duda.” I could emphasize that he has achieved good results in foreign policy and that he is visiting the White House for the third time, and in general he meets with Trump for the eleventh time, “said the political scientist.

Duda’s victory is extremely important to the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, as they no longer have a majority in parliament that is sufficient to reject the presidential veto.

“We love Donald Trump, we think he is a great president, I think he will help us win the elections.” It will help Andrzej Duda to win, “said PiS MP Dominikas Tarczynskis.
