at the fair for parents of over 100,000. goods


Feel the need

Since 2012, the Mothers’ Fair has been held twice a year, in autumn and spring, and parents request to bring products for the next season, respectively. Those who wish to participate in the fair, the so-called partners, have to pay a participation fee and, depending on their size, they can give older children clothes, strollers, bicycles, other parenting materials, books, toys. , cribs or even household items.

“We thought about skipping this fair anyway, but after consulting with the team, we decided that the need was enormous and we have a unique venue of this size with entrances from the outside, so there was nothing left but to take all the measures. security and organize ourselves. ” “Said Jurga Barbora Jauniškienė, the founder of the fair, to the portal.

The woman, who is raising four children, brought the idea for the fair from the US – While living there, she discovered the local mothers events, where mothers collect unnecessary items and sell them by the organizers of the fair . .

Adult products have appeared

This year, the fair has 1,300 members, 200-300 less than usual. The partners presented more than 140 thousand merchandise to this fair, while there were around 180 thousand during the non-quarantine period.

“The first day is dedicated to the business partners, that is, the mothers who deliver and buy the necessary items themselves. This is the largest group of our buyers. The first reviews are positive, we have received notices that the relationship between prices and quality set by the mothers themselves is more correct. The most popular group of products are toys and books, because probably everyone gets bored during the quarantine, sells old products and wants to renew the shelves with activities that are not they had seen before, ”smiles JBJauniškienė.

He also points out that the needs of the partners who grew up with the fair are also reflected in the supply and demand for goods – for the first time, the “Fair Plus” fair section appeared at the fair, where clothing and footwear for teens and are sold Adults.

“I understand for myself why the fair is expanding: my own eleven-year-old son needs size 44 shoes, which are no longer available in the children’s sections,” smiles Jurga Barbora.

I will sell 6 suitcases of clothes.

“I am glad that the fair is also held under quarantine conditions. In my opinion, the organizers got along very well, the delivery and purchase of the merchandise on the first day (VIP) was very smooth, ”said Laura, a mother of two, who is participating in this event for the fourth year.

He also took the opportunity to present not only children, but also his sleeping closets: he presented articles for adults at the Plus Fair.

“I delivered many items like never before, including six suitcases with clothes, toys, books and shoes left the house. If you don’t buy something, I will leave almost everything to charity. Once you leave home, you don’t want to bring it back.” admits the mother.

Admittedly, she didn’t come back empty-handed – she took part in VIP partner shopping, which, as she called it herself, is reminiscent of a children’s item paradise.

“I updated clothes, toys, books not only for the children, but also for myself. I spent a lot, I spent all lunch at the fair, but now I am calm until the fall ”, Laura opened.

Spend 500 Eur

The mother of two children, Ieva Kudelienė, found out about the fair five years ago when she was expecting her firstborn. Then he enjoyed being able to buy everything in one place, one day, and at a very reasonable price. Other times, she has already participated in the fair as a volunteer: at the end of the fair she helps sort the clothing that travels back to the members unsold and goes to charity.

“In my head, this is an incredibly necessary and meaningful place; we don’t really use those children’s things, so I’m very happy that they can serve other people. And why am I volunteering? I follow the principle everywhere that to get something you have to give something, so that one day nothing changes and I can contribute ”, admitted the woman, who has volunteered for four years.

She spends about 500 euros on a shopping trip and not only buys items for both children, but also for herself and her husband.

“These are the two biggest purchases of the year, everything is enough for half a year and more,” said Ieva, who spends a day shopping.

Prices vary widely

The pre-purchase at the fair is open to the participants themselves, volunteers, and later you can buy a ticket for the pre-purchase, which takes place a few hours before the door opens for a free visit. In the last days of the fair discounts of up to 70% are applied.

On the day of the visit, there were about a couple hundred mothers in the hall, who saw that they were visiting here for the first time. Many of them had suitcases, others, huge plastic bags to store goods.

The clothing sections are divided by gender, height and type of clothing. The prices of knitted products ranged between 2 and 5 euros, jackets and more ornate clothing, more than 10 euros.

A complete set of strollers can be purchased at the fair for € 20 and € 220. Baby baths cost from 2 to 18 euros. Prices differed not only for the same type, but also for identical products: one mother sold the same brand of milk for 10 euros, the others for 24 euros. Of course, the price also depends on its depreciation.

The children’s shoes placed on the tables by size were also waiting for their buyers, some of whom were looking for cheaper brands, others, well-known, so the prices ranged between 2 and 20 euros a pair.

The department, which grew from a few shelves to a separate area, surprised with its variety: it was possible to buy everything from kitchen appliances, dishes, services, pet supplies to home decorations or small furniture, pumps.

Not a single shopper has turned to the bike and scooter section, as the warmer weather invites children to entertain outside. Bicycles for children cost between 20 and 40 euros for beginners, and scooters between 4 and 18 euros.

In the section of toys, books and board games for the little ones, animation for the little ones was available for both euros and ten, depending on their condition and equipment.

So when trying to find the answer, about how much you can update a child’s wardrobe or toy closet at such an event, you must first name exactly what kind of items you need and how much money you can give them, because some will need 50 Eur for meet basic needs, others will need several hundred.
