AstraZeneca sees the Kremlin game as the blame for the vaccine


“This is a matter of internal policy for those European countries that have stopped using AstraZeneca. Let’s take a look at their election calendar. In Italy, elections on the nose. In Germany, elections are already taking place and not in favor of the Chancellor Angela Merkel and the party she leads The Austrian ruling coalition In Slovakia, the government is in crisis.

The Swedish Social Democrats are also concerned about the upcoming elections. French President Emmanuel Macron is also on the brink of future elections, “said former European Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, a World Health Organization (WHO) expert, evaluating the suspension of AstraZenca in seventeen European Union (EU) countries.

Is a road being built for a Russian vaccine?

Could it at least be part of the truth that, by boycotting the British AstraZeneca vaccine, even the largest EU countries will pave the way for the Sputnik V vaccine developed in Russia in the EU?

“It just came to our attention then. First, Sputnik V is made in the classical way (based on the whole ‘churning’ virus). One molecule from a virus needle was used for the Pfizer vaccine. Half of the virus was used for create the “modern.” AstraZeneca also used half the virus.

The Russian State Center for Epidemiological and Microbiological Research in Gamalaya, in cooperation with Israeli scientists, has intelligently assessed the situation in Europe using the so-called virus compression method for its Sputnik V vaccine, which has the potential to produce classic vaccines. France, and Slovakia and Italy. In other words, the Russians will simply sell their vaccine. Meanwhile, Pfizer-BioNTech technologies or other vaccines are much more complex and hardly anyone else could produce them, ”said V. Andriukaitis.

He also noted that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Russian President Vladimir Putin had pushed for the creation of AstraZeneca as soon as possible.

In both cases, efforts were made to develop vaccines through a rapid recognition pathway. Johnson was eager for the British to overtake Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines from Germany and the US Sputnik V was also in on that race. But the Russians lacked the scope of clinical research.

Putin then ordered the army to be vaccinated. Russia has now applied to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the registration of its vaccine.

Isn’t Merkel’s Russian Vaccine Suspicious?

German Chancellor Merkel said in early February this year that all vaccines are welcome in the EU if they are approved by the EVA.

In January, Merkel spoke with Russian President Putin about the prospects for a Russian vaccine in the EU and even suggested using the Paul Paul Ehrlich Institute in Germany to help Sputnik V request the EVA evaluation.

The German chancellor even promised the Russian leader that if Sputnik V was approved by the EVA, Germany would be able to talk about its total production and consumption.

Are the suspicions founded?

Both Lithuania and other EU countries have stopped the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has already vaccinated around 17 million people worldwide. human use on suspicion that it may cause thromboembolism (blood clots) in humans.

“If, when the vaccine is given, it is not a muscle but a blood vessel and a person has sudden blood clotting syndrome, a clot can form. But these cases are extremely rare. There may be several hundred people in Lithuania. with this syndrome. But I highly doubt that the lungs will clot immediately after vaccination against COVID-19, “explained V. Andriukaitis using his experience as a cardiac surgeon.

As far as he knows, last year 279 patients in Lithuania suffered a fatal pulmonary embolism due to blood clotting.

“And such a complication hit people without any vaccination. Is that why nobody talks about it? – V. Andriukaitis wondered.

He had no doubt that on Thursday the EVA would not object to people receiving the first dose of AstraZeneca being vaccinated a second time.

However, V. Andriukaitis admitted that there were errors and mistakes in AstraZeneca’s strategy during approval and production start: “Initially, there was an accelerated recognition failure, after which EVA had to submit additional documents. Also, production stalled and it turned out that this vaccine was sold somewhere. It’s all for the benefit of other vaccine manufacturers. “

Leaving the vaccine is dangerous

Vytautas Usonis, professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Vilnius University Medical School, specialist in infectious diseases, was asked whether thrombi could suddenly form in the human body after injection of the AstraZeneca vaccine: “It should not be So. At least in the public sphere, there is no reliable evidence that this is exactly what happened after vaccination with this vaccine.

Sharing his knowledge, the professor said that the Oxford University team that developed the AstraZeneca vaccine had provided EVA with all the details: “In general, the British are particularly scrupulous and rigorous in testing all their medications, so I doubt who would have dared to market them with care Vaccine not tested.

Furthermore, the vaccination system in the UK has worked well for many years. On the other hand, is there verified and reliable data in Lithuania that AstraZeneca has caused serious or even fatal complications?

According to Usonis, stopping the AstraZeneca vaccination, which has already started, after so many people have been vaccinated with the first dose, is very dangerous: After all, 11 to 12 million only 27 cases of complications have been reported after of vaccination in vaccinated people “.
