Astravas released before the Baltics managed to put points on the “i” due to trade | Deal


The new methodology for trade with third countries recently agreed between Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia is not yet in force as it has not been approved by the Lithuanian State Energy Regulatory Council.

This means that electricity is not imported into the Baltic countries not only from Belarus, but also from Russia, with the exception of the Königsberg region, with which Lithuania continues to trade.

The new methodology stipulates that the Baltic states will exchange electricity with Russia through the Latvian-Russian cross section, but this will not happen if it does not come into force.

Scanpix / AP Photo / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

Scanpix / AP Photo / Astravo Nuclear Power Plant

According to Energy Minister Žygimantas Vaičiūnas, statements by Latvian officials show that Riga is looking for ways to trade electricity with Russia and without the entry into force of the tripartite methodology, this could take place as of November 5.

“Latvia will have to find a legal way, a legal way and de facto“Apparently this will be the current version of the tripartite methodology in terms of content,” Ž said. Vačiūnas to reporters on Tuesday.

“This step presented by Latvia shows that the objective is to comply with the agreement (boycott the electricity from the Astrava nuclear power plant, but trade with Russia, –15 minutes) ”, He added.

Bilateral methodology?

Ž.Vaičiūnas warned that if the Baltic states do not score on the “i” due to the new methodology of trade with third countries, Latvia and Estonia seeking to trade with Russia can approve a bilateral document.

He remembered that he had been talking about such a threat for years.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Žygimantas Vaičiūnas

According to the minister, the bilateral methodology would lead to a conflict situation with the neighbors, which could undermine the plans of the Baltic states to connect to the electricity grids of Western Europe from 2025.

“It would probably be difficult to assess the situation when we have a conflict situation on one issue, and on other issues, I mean the issue of timing, it is better to agree,” said Ž.Vaičiūnas.

According to him, the non-participation of Lithuania in the Latvian and Estonian trade in Russian electricity would also reduce the chances of controlling whether the energy from Belarus does not enter these countries through the main part of Russia.

“Lithuania would become more of an observer of the process than a participant,” said the politician.

Giedrius Radvila, Director of the Systems Management Department of Lithuania electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, said that electricity trading methodologies mean not only agreed opportunities to import energy, but also increased system reliability when exchanging data.

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Litgrid system management and opening of the data center

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min photo / Litgrid system management and opening of the data center

“Without this coordination, there is no data exchange, both congestion in the networks and activations of energy reserves can occur. System reliability may decrease, “said G. Radvila.

The law has been implemented

On Tuesday, Litgrid announced in the system control center at 11:06. after recording data showing electricity production at the Astravo nuclear power plant.

Zero bandwidth was found for Belarusian business traffic in less than half an hour.

Ž.Vaičiūnas said that Lithuania had thus applied the law adopted a few years ago, which provides for a boycott of Belarusian electricity.

According to him, the purpose of the so-called “anti-astravia” law was to prevent the Astrava nuclear power plant from paying Belarus financially.

“In that sense, the objectives of the law have been achieved,” said the minister.

“Lithuania will not buy or buy this electricity, and Latvia and Estonia, if that political will is fully implemented, will not buy it either,” he added.

According to Litgrid, Belarusian electricity traders did not finalize any import transactions this week.
