Asta Baukute – 53: About a New Life, Courage to Get Divorced, and Outgoing Friends Who Miss the Most | Names


– Is this vacation important to you? After all, there are those who say who should celebrate that birthday.

– Worth it or not, he is inevitably flirting against himself in this way. It’s just that some people are sad about getting old, getting old during those years. But when you realize that this life is for everyone … Not a single young man, 30 years old, God forbid that there are no diseases or terrible things, he is my age or more. But I feel great, I am an athletic and fun person. It gives me strength

Also, the longer I live, the more grateful I am for my mother. Thank God she is alive, my Nijolė Baukienė. What a wise and wonderful man! Imagine being tolerated like this, a complete nuclear power plant (laughs). Everyone expected me to grow old, turn around, and no one would need me. Nifiga! No, it will not be because genetics makes you yours. And yet we really agree: it is also important how you put your priorities together, how you put your thoughts together.

Photo from personal album / Asta Baukutė

Photo from personal album / Asta Baukutė

Compared to Asta 20 years ago and Asta now, I really liked it, I have achieved a lot, I do not want to demonstrate anything, attack social networks, photograph every cake I made, my leg raised or anything else, be proud to be WowHow communicative … I don’t run everything. There is a senior manager, and I enjoy it. And today I really enjoy it.

– How do you promise to mention the vacation?

– First of all, it is very hot, so I will celebrate a birthday on my beautiful plot. Almost two hectares of area, and there is a pool outside, so we buy all kinds of food, baked cakes, every fish, every sausage.

It must be remembered that if it is a birthday or not, but I am a mother, so my birthday morning began with obtaining medical certificates for the children (because they will go to the camp), they also had to take blood, they need to calm down, hug … This is how my birthday is because it is a must. But it brings joy. Give because I am loved, that I love, I love my people.

Today, while shopping at the store, they greeted me. And what joy for me! No one seems to ask me how old (laughs). I think it’s the highest compliment, it means I look good. Maybe so tired, how old is Grandma Baukute here …

TV3 photo / Asta Baukutė

TV3 photo / Asta Baukutė

Also, two weeks ago, I had the honor of working with children with cancer. Now I feel so much joy. Mainly because I was able to sacrifice, give my best, my daily inspiration and my exhalation. With such volunteering, I just want to earn karma points (laughs). I think when you buy bread and give it to your friends, you get something good. And health, children’s health, happiness, joy, inner joy: here are those points of karma.

Basically, materially wealthy people live perfectly. But a child’s diagnosis can sometimes change everything: maybe he’ll live to be three, maybe five, maybe 15 when he’s 9 or 10 years old. So what you call it, how many years it will give you, how you look, it doesn’t matter. What quarantine has shown is that the best “career” is life. All those expressions “oh, I am alive, but there are no performances, I will die”, “there are no events, I will die” … We will not die, for sure. Let’s go back a little and see that we are beautiful to ourselves.

By the way, two grandmothers came to me at the store and we discussed: listen, are you the same Baukutė? I say yes, ladies, I’m probably the same (laughs). Well, he says, you see that Baukutė’s daughter is here (laughs). It makes me feel good.

Photo from TV3 / Asta Baukutė

Photo from TV3 / Asta Baukutė

– As I understand it, this stage is like an escape from thoughts of material things to spiritual things.

– When life itself offers me to save or not, with pleasure as a savior, because all of us people are imperfect, we have imaginary fears for the future, for children. When you really confront those for whom the ground is slipping, you realize how we underestimate what we have. Then we obtain such tests to evaluate the basic concepts.

We often follow others: o Jesus, this and that made an announcement on social media, that’s what I need to run, Wow, Forget me WowI am insignificant Wow, that anas … It is not.

– You talk a lot about lawsuits …

– Yes, and how you would feel different, how you would look, how you were 20 years ago. That the pole I mentioned is sensitive, that she knows how to communicate. When it comes to labels, they all fall off. I like people to see me as I am, not as someone wants to see how comfortable someone is.

Photo by Aleksandras Brokas and Julius Žalnierukynas (Culture Bridge) / Asta Baukutė.

Photo by Aleksandras Brokas and Julius Žalnierukynas (Culture Bridge) / Asta Baukutė.

It seems to me that this will always be the case, probably for everyone. They say that before speaking, they told me about this and that … (laughs) I’m not angry either, everyone has every right to think one way or another. The most important thing is that I am honest with myself and I did not set foot on anyone, and I do not do it in my career or life.

But if he heard something himself, he added, I still love him very much. This is my viewer, and in my profession (besides being a mother) where I am Asta, I am an actress, my viewer still accepts me. I’m happy about that. Glad to see me and say how we laugh at you. Well i’m thinking And my jokes are my survival, not mutilated, but survivors (laughs).

I have a lot to thank everyone. There comes a time when I can thank you with confidence. And many thanks to the enemies. They made me stronger, I would never have seen that I had such beautiful qualities inside.

– You say that the suffering of others returns you to the fundamental values. But isn’t it easy to raise two young children alone in life?

– First of all, I’m not alone, I really get help. And my circle of friends is not shrinking, but expanding. Wise and wonderful people surround me, so I wouldn’t dare say that. And secondly, our society would be dry, alien, deductible, consumerist, but anyone who is 4 or 5 years old can get sick, but it can happen to anyone, including myself. No one is insured against it.

I recently received such a letter, it was sent by a boy, Diamond. He walked hard when I realized he was after chemotherapy. It turns out that chemotherapy completely kills children’s immunity. So Diamond wrote to me: how amazing you are, how wonderful you communicate, how you hug each other, how you talk interestingly, you joke. Because I was being blackmailed: if you don’t go to sea with me, I won’t greet you (laughs) like a television star.

Photo by Vigantas Ovadnevas / / Asta Baukutė

Photo by Vigantas Ovadnevas / / Asta Baukutė

Then this boy wrote to me: I really want to meet you if everything goes well for me. Can you imagine what kind of big plus I got on top? I don’t need to post to Facebook or post, let’s say, look, Wow, what a cup … I just walked as my inner voice dictated.

I am the Asta who has been through a lot of cold and heat and has already given birth to four children … Now and I love my gym insanely, where I wander remotely, when I can’t meet during work, my incredibly wonderful coach Madlena. God, how he stood me up, how he loves me …

I am grateful to those people. And for Coach Šarūna, who stretches me with back pain as we all sit more, there is a computer and a driver. I have a lot to thank everyone. There comes a time when I can thank you with confidence. And many thanks to the enemies. They made me stronger, I would never have seen that I had such beautiful qualities inside.

– In general, what else is happening in your life now? What do you do the most? That you still do not write about it on social networks.

– And you really don’t want to write, then you become a director, you start lying to yourself. And everything in my life is, and I raise children, and worries, anger and tears, there are emotions. By the way, a project will appear soon, which I don’t want to publish yet. But today, on the occasion of my birthday, I am going to heaven to ask the Great Director to wish me luck. And I am afraid of that project, and I want it, but whoever wants to see will see, who will want to listen, will hear. It will also be related to my profession, we will see how everything happens.

Photo from personal album / Asta Baukutė

Photo from personal album / Asta Baukutė

– You mentioned that you are both loving and loved. Maybe there is a new second half with you?

– I have everything, but happiness loves silence (laughs). I will not confirm or deny this.

Going back to my ex-spouses I want to say a big “thank you”

– But isn’t it difficult to move forward after a failed marriage, not giving up and not breaking up?

– Going back to my ex-spouses, I want to say a big ‘thank you’. Mainly because there are children who have lived. I see women who cannot have children for one reason or another, and they have definitely awarded me four times. Without children, he would be a completely different Asta: he would not be so sincere, he would not understand those mothers who raise their disobedient children. Those who just want to demand, just want to have, from computers to the best drones.

I understand them, they can’t stand the service, so the children themselves understand how difficult it is to earn money. I also had compassion for another. And the experience itself is invaluable, without it it wouldn’t be as fascinating to me now, so I probably wouldn’t love myself, I probably wouldn’t have a chance to recover.

What those two marriages did to me is incredible, but I will definitely be open and yes, it was an experience that had painful things. Still, detailing them and washing your underwear at shows or interviews would definitely be tactless on my part. Eventually, each of us will recover what we have contributed and what we have not done in our last minute of reporting in this life.

    Photo by Jonas Danielevičius / Asta Baukutė (left)

Photo by Jonas Danielevičius / Asta Baukutė (left)

However, now I am really stronger than before. This is a process. For those women who are truly determined to live alone for the sake of a good emotional climate and for a good male and paternal example, than to live like an eye, I am inclined and I am in favor of that opinion. I am in favor of children growing up as decent citizens, honest with themselves, who love the other side, who do not raise their tone or hand.

My oldest son saw me of all kinds, but at least I was honest. I was honest against them and I was honestly the first to say that I was divorced and I mentioned not very pleasant reasons for them, but I see that it is paying off. Now he serves in the army and could not serve because he himself has a son.

– I imagine you are proud of the children?

– As much as. Now I am also a grandmother, although I asked not to call myself a grandmother. What said so much My name will be Asta (laughs). My son is loving, decent, incredible, my marti feeds milk, he tries. I visited them, I saw them giving themselves up, the children talking respectfully to each other. They do not allow themselves to talk about another bad guy, not even one who is wrong.

This trait did not appear in our family anyway, it appeared in a painful divorce. Since he had a legless leg, he kept saying that he (the children’s father, aut. Past) might be angry, but he needed to love his father: he gave his life, he gave other beautiful things, he needed to be forgiven.

Personal album photo album / Asta Baukutė

Personal album photo album / Asta Baukutė

– Where does that emotional maturity come from?

– In pain. Through it, when you don’t want to live, when you start to believe what others say, not what your heart is dictating. This is the most terrifying thing. I don’t need to see what others are saying, but listen to my heart and see that I am trying to be a good mother, I care. Although I am just as wrong, I am just crying, I make an unpleasant comment to my children, but it is not a tragedy. I also see that if I hit them, when they are 18 or 30 years old, the results will be poor.

As a result, I first felt great sympathy for myself: who is this Asta Baukutė? How does it evolve, how is it formed by external and internal factors? It’s very important. Yes, people think, Jesus, how society will evaluate here, if I get divorced, how wrong, after all, we were such an ideal family. Picture, picture… God, what happens if I pray and nobody sees? Maybe you need to go to some exotic country?

You don’t live with that in mind, it’s just a rough draft. Who needs that? To attract a number of readers, fans? It is a bubble of lies that sooner or later collapses, ending up in hospitals, with anger.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Asta Baukutė

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min / Asta Baukutė

– What is the first step to start that real life? How were you?

– Do not lie to yourself. If it hurts, lick it. The gym itself helped me a lot. I was able to cry while playing sports on it. But in sports and tears disappear: hugs, smiles. Going here is that you don’t lie to yourself. Can’t I look someone in the eye? I don’t look at him, but I don’t wish him evil, I wish him happiness.

What inspires me when I have difficulties is that kind face. Therefore, I missed the conversations with Leonidas Donskis incredibly.

We all have emotions. Why do I have to cover my anger and anxiety with joy and say: Oh well! Not! I’m angry.

What inspires me when I have difficulties is that kind face. Therefore, I missed the conversations with Leonidas Donskis incredibly. His wisdom, his humor, his broad and broad vision of the world always lifted me from the ears as they tried to crush me in public. He used to say: this is your nature. I also madly lost a.a. Arūnas Storpirštis, to whom I would say that he would perform a plastic operation on a character and therefore would be calm, comfortable for society. “It won’t work,” he replied.

I also missed Cololo very crazy … Seeing how many I name and no more, I can’t hug, I can’t break a glass of champagne for the New Year and wish happiness and health. But I don’t forget them in any way. It is a living monument, we always surround them with good friends.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / Vitalijus Cololo and Asta Baukutė

Photo by Lukas Balandis / Vitalijus Cololo and Asta Baukutė

If I have the opportunity, I always go to the grave: in silence, calmly, so that others do not see me, the media would photograph how I wipe a tear with or without dark glasses. No, I walk in silence, calmly and pray. And most importantly, thank you for giving me a wonderful experience: believing in yourself, in your temperament.

I was starting to read a book by British-Turkish writer Elif Shafak, “10 minutes 38 seconds in this strange world.” Write about how a prostitute was murdered. The writer, as a scientist, based himself on scientific data and transmitted how the conscious body still works after the corpse and remembers the most vivid events in life in 10 minutes. 38 sec. This is what I ask God to give me four times more than I can still enjoy.

So my wish for everyone is to read books, hug loved ones, not give in to other stickers and forgive us.
