Assessed D. Grybauskaitė’s chances to lead NATO: would sharp rhetoric get in the way?


In the “Žinių radijo” program, politicians and experts evaluated how real this possibility is and what it would mean for Lithuania.

It is important to form alliances

Rasa Juknevičienė, MEP and former President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, is convinced that Dalia Grybauskaitė could be a good NATO Secretary General.

“The mere fact that Lithuania has politicians of this caliber, who are being considered or at least raised as possible politicians, is already a great achievement of our last decades,” said R. Juknevičienė during the “Žinių radijo” program.

However, R. Juknevičienė emphasizes that the competition for this position is enormous. Politics said she was in the mood in the European Parliament that it was time for women to take up this post.

“In terms of geography, I think if not this time, it will definitely be the time for the representatives of this region next time,” he said.

According to R. Juknevičienė, the decision on the leader of NATO will be made by the member states, so it is very important to form alliances and talk with the great powers that have a lot of influence.

Remember harsh speeches

Ramūnas Vilpišauskas, a professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, said that these positions are very important, and membership in both the European Union and NATO is one of the most important for Lithuania to pursue its national interests.

However, R. Vilpišauskas does not rule out that D. Grybauskaitė’s statements about Russia as a terrorist state may limit his possibilities to lead NATO.

In fact, his policies and some speeches against the Russian regime in European countries have sparked various discussions. I myself have heard the comments of French diplomats, among which there was something similar to the fact that it may be difficult for Ms. D. Grybauskaitė to be able to lead an international organization for such speeches.

From the point of view of some countries, this may indicate an overly categorical position and a reluctance to act as a mobilizing and committed personality in the leadership of an international organization. This is probably one of the issues, among others, that will be considered when thinking about his candidacy to lead NATO ”, evaluated R. Vilpišauskas.

According to R. Vilpišauskas, the article excludes former Croatian leader Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic as a possible candidate and has similar opportunities as D. Grybauskaitė. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), Theresa May at the time, could start with the not-so-successful premiere.

Mindaugas Lingė, a member of the Seimas and former adviser to President Dalia Grybauskaitė, stated that the voice of D. Grybauskaitė was not only heard among politicians or in international forums; According to the politician, the president was also appreciated by foreign media.

M. Lingė is convinced that sharper rhetoric about the Russian regime would not hamper D. Grybauskaitė’s opportunities.

“The more defined positions are sometimes ambiguous, both at the national level and in the international community, but they have always had a very clear reason for taking that position.” First, the national interests of the country were represented and trusted They were a priority to make our voice heard, “he said.

Former Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, responding to the importance of the NATO position held by the Lithuanian representative for the country’s security, emphasized that the organization operates collectively.

“It is a collective security organization, the strongest political-military alliance in the world, and it works collectively. Some personality, whatever it is, does not really determine the success or failure of any particular country. And there are no exceptions here.

Of course, with such a high position, visibility is high, but our security depends on the capabilities and security of the entire alliance, ”said L. Linkevičius.

L. Linkevičius emphasizes that the Secretary General of NATO represents the Alliance in the international arena, but does not determine the policy of the Alliance, does not make decisions himself and does not even participate in voting. 30 members of the alliance participate in the vote, and only one or the other vote is taken unanimously.

Not many possibilities

At the time, Vaidotas Beniušis, editor-in-chief of the portal and director of the BNS news agency, states that the discussion about D. Grybauskaitė’s chances of becoming NATO leader arose only because journalists from one publication Brussels named her among the possible candidates.

“It is probably worth acknowledging that there are not many opportunities at this stage,” said V. Beniušis during the show.

According to him, D. Grybauskaitė was selected as a candidate due to several main themes: gender, region and experience.

“There is really no reason to say that his chances are high at the moment. Still, this would require a large and broad coalition. Overall, NATO would probably question whether the military potential and contribution of the Lithuanian state is sufficient for this country. delegate a candidate, “doubted the journalist.

V. Beniušis emphasizes that the Secretary General is above all a moderator between different countries.

“We know that not all of NATO, especially in Western Europe, has the same attitude towards Russia as in Lithuania, so doubts may arise as to whether a representative of Lithuania could honestly moderate and coordinate the positions of all countries,” V. Beniušis evaluated.
